Alan Moore Delivers The Future of Crossed

Crossed+100-1-regular - Copy

Alan Moore has returned to full scripting a new monthly comic for this series, and was compelled to do so through a series of increasingly piquant conversations with his friend Garth Ennis about the implications of the Crossed series for humanity’s future. In response, Moore has created an entirely new world and a hundred years of “missing” history to explore the future of the Crossed outbreak, what will happen to the Crossed themselves over such a long Crossed+100-1-CrossedCultureperiod of time, and what fate awaits humanity after losing the basic elements of modern civilization. With Moore as the single author on the series, it’s a comics master producing a new apocalyptic vision for readers by returning to the roots of dynamic speculative fiction.

Crossed creator Garth Ennis comments:
So it turns out Jimi Hendrix wants to play in my band. He wants to sing my songs. I don’t usually worry about vindication, but Alan is probably the one person whose opinion would be enough to change my mind about what I do.

Crossed+100-1-FutureTenseHe’s the most talented individual the medium’s ever seen or ever will; that he’s writing Crossed means everything to me.

–Garth Ennis

Gabriel Andrade, of Avatar Press’ series Ferals, is delighted to be on board with this major project as artist, and his work displays the kind of nuance that can move between the horror elements of the comic and the speculative fiction aspects that even contain a hint of the detective genre. For both Moore and Andrade, this is a project heavy on the research and deeply thought-out in execution.

Andrade says:
For me to work with Mr. Moore on this new project has been much more of a gift than a Crossed+100-1-AmHistorychallenge. *I feel a very strong connection to the world behind the story, as all the references, books, movies, music and conceptual art that have accompanied me throughout my life, are being exploited here.*I have had an amazing amount of freedom, both in the creation of the look of these characters and in the formulation of the new world.

Crossed +100 #1 is in the October issue of the Previews Catalog – look for the catalog?in?comic?stores on Wednesday the 24th.

Read the full details here on Bleeding Cool: ?

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/17/14

New Avatar Press items to ComiXology?on Wednesday 9/17/14:

Crossed: Badlands #61

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?JUSTIN JORDAN?s violent and miserable romp through the Crossed61-regCrossed universe comes to a grueling conclusion in this powerful issue! Trust is a difficult thing in a world where violation is around every corner. But placing your trust in ythe wrong uninfected can lead to as miserable a death as one from the hands of the Crossed.





God is Dead #20

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Is there anything left for the world to endure at GodisDead20the hands of the destructive returned gods? Mankind has fought back and even killed gods but in the end, what chance do mere mortals have in the face of the divine? Death will gorge upon the souls being reaped beneath the vengeful scythe of gods spurned.


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 9/17/14

New Avatar Press items to comic shops on Wednesday 9/17/14:

Crossed: Badlands #61

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?JUSTIN JORDAN?s violent and miserable romp through the Crossed61-regCrossed universe comes to a grueling conclusion in this powerful issue! Trust is a difficult thing in a world where violation is around every corner. But placing your trust in Crossed61-FatalFantasythe wrong uninfected can lead to as miserable a death as one from the hands of the Crossed. Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Christian Zanier, Torture cover by Ignacio Calero, Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade, and Fatale Fantasy


God is Dead #20

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Is there anything left for the GodisDead20world to endure at the hands of the destructive returned gods? Mankind has fought back and even killed gods but in the end, what chance do mere mortals have in the face of the divine? Death will gorge upon the souls being reaped GodisDead20-end-of-daysbeneath the vengeful scythe of gods spurned. Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.


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World War II Rages on in Uber #19

Uber19-regKieron Gillen?has captivated the comics? community with the horror and drama unfolding in the enhanced human warfare of World War II.? As the war starts to slide in favor Uber19-WarCrimesof the Nazis unstoppable Ubers, the Allies strike out with a desperate gamble.? They can?t match the Uber Battleships one-on-one, but maybe they can use surgical strikes against the mounting tide. Join the legions of readers as the misery of super human warfare continues to unfold.

Uber19-PropagandaAsk your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Uber #19 for you today and look for the trade paperback collection in stores now!

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The Return of the Dark Gods

DarkGods1-DietyJustin Jordan is peeking behind the orderly curtain of our daily lives and letting the chaos of the ancient beasts back into the world. ?The new ongoing series Dark Gods is one part Lovecraftian inspired horror and one part Pacific Rim monster mayhem. ?And according to Jordan, it is precisely DarkGods1-reghumankind’s wish to live in orderly ignorance that has blinded us to the existence of the chaos.

“The human race lives in ignorance of the universe we live in. ?This is a mercy. ?I don’t mean that as just a set up for fiction. ?We live on a tiny ball of rock hurtling through a universe that is unfathomably large. ?We are the product, each of us, of an uncountable number of unlikely coincidences. ?We are alive because that driver got started a DarkGods1-Sirenminute later one day and didn’t plow through that red light when we were there. ?That is the universe we live in.”

With that orderly ignorance in mind, Jordan has crafted an incredible tale that is wonderfully illustrated by German Erramouspe. ?Check in with your local comic shop this week to reserve the first issue which is on sale in November.

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Max Brooks Delivers Giant-Sized Finale to Extinction Parade: War

ExtinctionParadeWar5-regThe final issue of the second chapter in Max Brooks’ masterpiece horror series Extinction Parade: War is a giant sized 40 page installment that promises major upheaval in the vampires vs zombies conflict. ?Featured in the September Previews in stores now, the issue reveals the ExtinctionParadeWar5-EndSpeciesvampiric Army of the Bloodline and their role in the horror to come. ?Max Brooks pushes the limits of modern horror to the breaking point in this pivotal chapter of his epic undead class battle. ?Prepare for the final chapter and the end of a species as the second arc comes to a violent and horrifying close.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve your copy and prepare for the final battle!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/10/14

Avatar Press new digital releases to ComiXology Wednesday 9/10/14:

Caliban #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The penultimate issue of the best new horror sci-fi series of caliban-62014 is here! GARTH ENNIS turns the silent and stale corridors of space into a walking nightmare for the few remaining crewmen of the Caliban mining starship. As creeping death rounds every corner, the truth of Karien?s rampage begins to unfold. But it?s too late for salvation as the horror of the unknown becomes a miserable companion to those that cling to life on the doomed freighter. No one is safe in dead space.




Dicks End of Time #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The Boys from Belfast continue their trip through the annals DicksEOT4-regof history as they romp through time screwing up the world for just about everyone. GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA leave no insult unslung as they attempt to offend every comics reader one page at a time. Don?t miss this latest wallowing in the gutter with Dougie and Ivor, the Dicks. Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by McCrea.




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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 9/10/14

Avatar Press new to comic shops on Wednesday 9/10/14:

Caliban #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? The penultimate issue of the best new horror sci-fi series of caliban-62014 is here! GARTH ENNIS turns the silent and stale corridors of space into a walking nightmare for the few remaining crewmen of the Caliban mining starship. As creeping death rounds every corner, the truth of Karien?s rampage begins to unfold. But it?s too late for salvation as the horror of the unknown becomes a miserable companion to those that cling to life on the doomed freighter. No one is caliban-6-wrapsafe in dead space. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Terror, and Design Sketch Incentive covers by Facundo Percio and an ultra-limited Dark Matter edition of just 1500 copies.

Dicks End of Time #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The Boys from Belfast continue their trip through the annals DicksEOT4-classic-momentsof history as they romp through time screwing up the world for just about everyone. GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA leave no insult unslung as they attempt to offend every comics reader one page at a time. Don?t miss this DicksEOT4-reglatest wallowing in the gutter with Dougie and Ivor, the Dicks. Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by McCrea.




Stop by the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –


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Creators at Baltimore Comic Con

Baltimore Comic-Con

This weekend comic book creators Mike Wolfer (Night of the Living Dead, Stitched, Gravel) and James Kuhoric (Six Million Dollar Man, Army of Darkness, Stargate SG-1) will be appearing at the Baltimore Comic Con. ?They will be talking to fans, discussing new projects, and signing comics for anyone interested.

mikewolfer (3)Mike Wolfer is a comics veteran who has done everything from early indie creator owned comics to licensed properties to big-name creator collaborations. ?He’s worked with Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis, and a host of other well known writers in the industry. ?His creator owned project Ragdoll was just successfully funded in Kickstarter and Mike will have details about the upcoming project for fans and supporters.





James KuhoricJames Kuhoric has written stories for some of the best horror and sci-fi properties in comics including Army of Darkness, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, and The Six Million Dollar Man. ?He will be talking television, movies, comics, and new projects with fans at the Avatar booth all weekend.

If you are coming to Charm City’s biggest comic book convention this weekend, make sure you stop by the Avatar booths ?#2208-2209?and talk comics!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/3/14

New Avatar Press comics to digital on ComiXology Wednesday 9/3/14:

Crossed: Badlands #60

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The Crossed have taken everything from humanity ? Crossed60-regcivilization, dignity, and hope are all gone in an instant. And in their disease riddled homicidal brains, their mission will never end until the last of the uninfected are writing in pain. How can you survive in a world gone mad? You don?t? JUSTIN JORDAN proves that in a world of maniacs there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.





George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The biggest name in fiction, GEORGE RR MARTIN, delivers house-of-the-worm-2one of his seminal works to the pages of comic books with In the House of the Worm! This classic science fiction fantasy tale will appeal to fans of Game of Thrones and Martin?s list of unforgettable novels. On a lost planet a privileged boy learns that destructive creatures and plots of revenge populate this fantastically fearful world of horror.




Extinction Parade: War #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The war between the aristocratic vampire race and the legions ExtinctionParadeWar3-regof the shambling dead turns into a worldwide massacre! New York Times Bestselling Author, MAX BROOKS delivers a devastating blood-soaked new chapter in the horror event of the year! As the vampires learn to face the threat of extinction, new and frightening realizations turn their aloof attitudes to something new that they haven?t faced since their making?fear. Now the alpha species must evolve or die alongside the faltering human race.




God is Dead #19

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?MIKE COSTA delivers the first chapter in the new God is GodisDead19Dead arc with a spiritual punch in the face. Jesus? miracle has changed the dying world but has it also opened the way for the final and utter destruction of the Earth? Just when you thought no blasphemy was left, a brand new story takes us all screaming to hell in a hand basket.





Uber #17

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The extraction of Sieglinde forces Germany to unveil an all-uber-17-regnew type of Uber. One that can change naval warfare forever. But the Allies have not just be sitting idle and have a new trick up their sleeves as well. The next generation of Uber enhancements is unleashed!


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