Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/16/14

New Avatar Press items to ComiXology on Wednesday 7/16/14:

Same Day as Print –

Crossed: Badlands #57

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? JUSTIN JORDAN is unleashed at Avatar with this arc of crossed-57-regularCrossed: Badlands! In a world full of homicidal maniacs, a select few have survived by being quiet and small. They?re the hiders, the meek that watch but never make a sound. But what kind of life is it when you watch everyone around you violated, mutilated, and eventually killed? It is enough to drive even the sanest person over the edge into madness.





Dicks: End of Time #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The Dicks are back, now as perhaps the worst masked heroes dicks-end-of-time-2the World has ever seen! Fondly miss The Boys? Well, this won?t help much as GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have even less respect for heroes with Super Dicks! Join the boys as they return to their riotous roots with the new misadventures of Dougie and Ivor! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the comic shop, the Dicks are back for a new round of the most offensive misadventures imaginable.




God is Dead #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?JONATHAN HICKMAN?s vision for a world on the brink of god-is-dead-16destruction under the whim of the divine continues. MIKE COSTA has increased the insanity as the Son of God returns to deliver an unexpected message. For centuries man has prayed for the Christian Savior to return? but in a world of divine conflict that prayer may be the undoing of the human race.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/16/14

New Avatar Press items in comic shops on Wednesday 7/16/14:

Crossed: Badlands #57

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ??JUSTIN JORDAN is unleashed at Avatar with this arc of crossed-57-regularcrossed-57-tortureCrossed: Badlands! ?In a world full of homicidal maniacs, a select few have survived by being quiet and small. ?They’re the hiders, the meek that watch but never make a sound. ?But what kind of life is it when you watch everyone around you violated, mutilated, and eventually killed? ?It is enough to drive even the sanest person over the edge into madness. ?Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Christian Zanier,Torture cover by Tim Vigil, Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade, and Fatale Fantasy cover by Fernando Heinz.

Dicks: End of Time #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ??The Dicks are back, now as perhaps the worst masked heroes dicks-end-of-time-2dicks-end-of-time-2-classic-momentsthe World has ever seen! Fondly miss The Boys? Well, this won’t help much as GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have even less respect for heroes with Super Dicks! Join the boys as they return to their riotous roots with the new misadventures of Dougie and Ivor! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the comic shop, the Dicks are back for a new round of the most offensive misadventures imaginable. Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by McCrea.

God is Dead #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?JONATHAN HICKMAN’s vision for a world on the brink of god-is-dead-16god-is-dead-16-endofdaysdestruction under the whim of the divine continues. ?MIKE COSTA has increased the insanity as the Son of God returns to deliver an unexpected message. ?For centuries man has prayed for the Christian Savior to return… but in a world of divine conflict that prayer may be the undoing of the human race. Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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Gravel Tackles New Horrors

gravel-vol-4William Gravel has lived a hard life and its made him into a man with stone in his blood. ?Now the old soldier is being called back into action to deal with a rogue combat magician and monsters in the Japanese subway. ?The war horse has some kick left in him but will it be enough to take down a madman, a monster, and ninja combat magicians? ?You better bloody believe it.

New in July Previews the Gravel Vol 4 Combat Magician TPB collects the five issue story arc from the recent Gravel comic book series. ?Mike Wolfer ushers in the return of one of Warren Ellis’ longest running characters to the pages of comics! ?Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this horror filled tome to complete your Gravel collection.

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Terrifying Second Chapter of Uber Collected

Uber-Vol-2-TPBKieron Gillen’s Uber has been a terrifying glimpse into a dark world where the horror of enhanced human warfare has spun the second World War out of control. ?There is no peace or end to hostilities. ?Only a grueling and miserable march toward what feels like the utter annihilation of the human race.

The second ground breaking chapter of the series is collected in the Uber Vol 2 TPB, solicited in the July issue of Previews. ?This second volume packs 160 pages of powerful story and extras into a collection that has earned a place next to the very best super solider stories of the past 75 years.

If you are new to the Uber world, check with your local comics retailer to obtain a copy of the Uber Vol 1 TP and to place your preorder for Uber Vol 2 TP today.

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Rover Red Charlie TP New in July Previews

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBGarth Ennis is a master of storytelling in every genre. ?He conquered horror with titles like Crossed and Caliban, tackled action with Stitched and War Stories, and defeated perhaps the most challenging of all, humor with Dicks and The Boys. ?But never before has he so flawlessly combined all genres to tell a truly inspiring story as he has in the pages of Rover Red Charlie.

Fans and creators alike are calling this story one of the best of the last year. ?And the book received an incredible endorsement from perhaps the biggest writer in all of comics, Alan Moore –

“In Rover Red Charlie, an uncomprehending dog’s-eye view of the apocalypse, perhaps the medium’s finest writer essays a breathtaking feat of the imagination with enormous heart, and not a trace of sentiment. ?Given a damp and warm reality by Michael DiPascale’s beautifully judged art, Garth Ennis manages, with hardly any homo sapiens in sight, to tell what is quite possibly the most profoundly human story of his already astonishing career. ?This is a book for life, not just for Christmas.”

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of the upcoming Rover Red Charlie TP today.

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Get Moore for Less With Fashion Beast at ComiXology

FashionBeast1regularLegendary comics writer Alan Moore and notorious music icon Malcolm McLaren came together in the 1980s to create a revolutionary new story. ?The script was found, lovingly adapted for comics by longtime Moore collaborator Antony Johnston, and illustrated with lush artwork by Facundo Percio. ?After thirty years, the story finally saw print and another masterwork graphic novel has been added to the Alan Moore library.

From July 7th through July 13th this groundbreaking story is available digitally for an incredible $9.99 price. ?The bundle includes all ten issues of the series and can be found here: ?https://www.comixology.com/Fashion-Beast/page/2194

Get Moore for less this week only!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/9/14

These are the new Avatar Press titles arriving in comic shops Wednesday 7/9/14:

George RR Martin’s Skin Trade TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ??Private investigator, Randi Wade sees the ravaged remains of GRRMSkinTrade-tpbinnocent victims that have been savagely murdered and skinned. As the mysterious secrets of the Blackstone Manor begin to be uncovered, she gets ever closer to the monstrous truth…werewolves are real! George RR Martin combines his unmatched creative vision with the visceral illustrations of horror master Mike Wolfer to create something intensely unsettling. ?Collecting issues #1-4 of the comic book series with a gruesome cover gallery.




Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Max Brooks Declares War!

ExtinctionParadeWar1-regNew in comic shops today, the second chapter of Max Brooks’ dynamic Vampires versus Zombies story issues the call for all out war! ?The vampire race has finally come out of its self induced state of denial about the dire situation facing them. ?Extinction of the human race at the clawing ExtinctionParadeWar1-EndofSpecieshands of the subdead zombies means the destruction of the vampire race too. ?And now a species that has lived at the top of the food chain since its inception must fight, and scratch, and claw to learn what it means to struggle for survival.

Extinction Parade: War #1 is an over-sized and action packed introduction to this new chapter in one of the most ExtinctionParadeWar1-wrap - Copyimaginative horror series being published. ?This new issue is the perfect place to discover this frightening world and to expand the horrors that played out in the pages of Extinction Parade Vol 1 Tp.

Stop by your local comic shop today to find a copy of Extinction Parade: War #1!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/2/14

Avatar Press new comics to ComiXology Wednesday 7/2/14

Same Day as Print:

Caliban #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Enter a world of creeping horror and unimaginable terror as caliban-4 - CopyGARTH ENNIS weaves a tale set in the frozen wastes of deep space. The crew of the Caliban was satisfied in their own brand of denial about the safety of space travel. But when the ship collides with an alien derelict they discover that true despair is something you have to experience to understand. Now a frightening change is taking place and no one can stop it. And even if you are able to survive it? the transformation will make you wish you hadn?t. This is sci-fi horror like you have never experienced!



Extinction Parade: War #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Jump on here, as the epic conflict continues right after Vol 1 ExtinctionParadeWar1-reg - Copywith a super-sized battle issue! MAX BROOKS returns to the frightening world of zombies versus vampires in his groundbreaking follow up series: Extinction Parade: War! Well known for his breathtakingly original fiction, Brooks pushes the limits of the horror genre with his trademark meticulous research and vision for the next evolution in zombie storytelling. The subdead were always a joke to the aristocratic vampire race. Just a spec on the radar of their immortal lives, nothing worth even a moment?s notice in their quest for self-gratification through the veins of their host, the human race. But at last they have been pulled from their ignorance into the reality of the world. The human race is facing extinction and should they succumb so too shall the vampires disappear beneath the waves of rotting walking dead. Extinction Parade: War opens the doors to the next violent chapter in Brooks? epic tale with an oversized issue starting the all-out battle for the survival of the races!

Uber #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? KIERON GILLEN and DANIEL GETE begin a frightening new uber-15-reg - Copythree part story taking readers deep into the carnage of the extended World War. After the horrible strike on England, Sieglinde is on the run. Exhausted, run-down, and nearly out of energy, this may be the opportunity the Allies have dreamed of – elimination of a Battleship Uber. Join the ranks of fans who are hailing Uber as the best new comic series of 2013.


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Avatar Press New To Comic Shops 7/2/14

New Avatar Press items to comic shops Wednesday 7/2/14:

Caliban #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Enter a world of creeping horror and unimaginable terror as caliban-4 - Copycaliban-4-terror - CopyGARTH ENNIS weaves a tale set in the frozen wastes of deep space. ?The crew of the Caliban was satisfied in their own brand of denial about the safety of space travel. ?But when the ship collides with an alien derelict they discover that true despair is something you have to experience to understand. ?Now a frightening change is taking place and no one can stop it. ?And even if you are able to survive it? the transformation will make you wish you hadn?t. ?This is sci-fi horror like you have never experienced! ?Available with Regular, Wraparound, Terror, and Design Sketch Incentive covers by Facundo Percio and an ultra-limited Dark Matter edition of just 1500 copies.

Extinction Parade: War #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Jump on here, as the epic conflict continues right after Vol 1 ExtinctionParadeWar1-reg - CopyExtinctionParadeWar1-EndofSpecies - Copywith a super-sized battle issue! ?MAX BROOKS returns to the frightening world of zombies versus vampires in his groundbreaking follow up series: Extinction Parade: War! ?Well known for his breathtakingly original fiction, Brooks pushes the limits of the horror genre with his trademark meticulous research and vision for the next evolution in zombie storytelling. ?The subdead were always a joke to the aristocratic vampire race. ?Just a spec on the radar of their immortal lives, nothing worth even a moment?s notice in their quest for self-gratification through the veins of their host, the human race. ?But at last they have been pulled from their ignorance into the reality of the world. ?The human race is facing extinction and should they succumb so too shall the vampires disappear beneath the waves of rotting walking dead. ?Extinction Parade: War opens the doors to the next violent chapter in Brooks? epic tale with an oversized issue starting the all-out battle for the survival of the races! ?Available with Regular, Wraparound, End of a Species, Leather, and Bloodwashed and Pure Art ?Retailer Order Incentive covers, all by series artist Raulo Caceres.

Uber #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?KIERON GILLEN and DANIEL GETE begin a frightening uber-15-reg - Copyuber-15-war-crimesnew three part story taking readers deep into the carnage of the extended World War. ?After the horrible strike on England, Sieglinde is on the run. ?Exhausted, run-down, and nearly out of energy, this may be the opportunity the Allies have dreamed of – elimination of a Battleship Uber. ?Join the ranks of fans who are hailing Uber as the best new comic series of 2013. ?Available with Regular, War Crimes, and Wraparound covers by Daniel Gete, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael Dipascale, and a special Blitzkrieg Incentive cover also by Gete.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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