God is Dead: Book of Acts Preview Pages

Everyone is talking about the upcoming God is Dead event, The Book of Acts Alpha & Omega editions. ?With creators like Alan Moore, Kieron Gillen, Simon Spurrier, Justin Jordan, and GID scribe Mike Costa bringing new tales of mythological horrors to these uncovered tomes, the event?is sure to be of biblical proportions.

Avatar Press is revealing a number of interior pages to give fans a taste of what this incredible new project will be like. ?This is an opportunity to get a sneak peek into the God is Dead event of the year. ?Where else can you read a story about Alan Moore meeting his personal god, Glycon? ?Only in the God is Dead: Book of Acts!

Ask your local comics retailer to reserve copies of both editions today!

Alan Moore / Facundo Percio:









Kieron Gillen / German Nobile










Simon Spurrier / Gabriel Andrade










Justin Jordan / German erramouspe









Mike Costa / Rafa Ortiz


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Max Brooks Extinction Parade TP Arrives in Comic Shops

The first chapter of Max Brooks’ masterful Vampires versus Zombies arrives in comic ExtinctionParade-vol-1-tpbshops today with the Extinction Parade Vol 1 TP. ?Brooks is well known for his zombie fiction with New York Times Bestsellers World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide leading the way with his legions of fans.

Extinction Parade takes his undead musings a step further with a scathing commentary on privilege and entitlement. ?This story is so much more than just a battle royale of the undead. ?And the trade paper back is the perfect place to read the full vision of Brooks’ unique approach just in time for the upcoming second chapter in the pages of Extinction Parade: War #1 due out in just one week on 7/2.

Check in with your local comics retailer to purchase copies of this groundbreaking work today!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 6/25/14

Avatar Press new comics to ComiXology Wednesday 6/25/14

Same Day as Print:

Crossed: Badlands #56

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The startling conclusion to GARTH ENNIS?s patient zero arc is Crossed56-regular (2)here! Armageddon has come and there is no stopping the wave of Crossed violence as the infection spreads simultaneously across the globe. Fear, violence, and unrestrained murder run rampant in the streets. The government has lost control and the descent into the hell of a Crossed world begins in earnest. There is no help. There is no hope. There is only the Crossed.




God is Dead #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Mankind prayed for salvation. As the gods of mythology god-is-dead-15 (2)fought and destroyed around them, they hoped and spoke in hushed tones of the return of the Christian God. Jesus was the savior of the human race and he would return to do so again. Or so they believed. Now the Son of God has come back but the images of his gentle touch are absent. Join the ranks of the blasphemous as MIKE COSTA delivers a story that will take you screaming into the pits of Hell.





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Avatar Press New To Comic Shops 6/25/14

New Avatar Press items to comic shops Wednesday 6/25/14:

Crossed: Badlands #56

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ?The startling conclusion to GARTH ENNIS?s patient zero arc Crossed56-fatal-fantasy (2)is Crossed56-regular (2)here! Armageddon has come and there is no stopping the wave of Crossed violence as the infection spreads simultaneously across the globe. Fear, violence, and unrestrained murder run rampant in the streets. The government has lost control and the descent into the hell of a Crossed world begins in earnest. There is no help. There is no hope. There is only the Crossed. Available with Regular, Torture and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Christian Zanier a Fatale Fantasy cover by Matt Martin and a Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade.

God is Dead #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Mankind prayed for salvation. As the gods of mythology god-is-dead-15 (2)god-is-dead-15-iconic (2)fought and destroyed around them, they hoped and spoke in hushed tones of the return of the Christian God. Jesus was the savior of the human race and he would return to do so again. Or so they believed. Now the Son of God has come back but the images of his gentle touch are absent. Join the ranks of the blasphemous as MIKE COSTA delivers a story that will take you screaming into the pits of Hell. Available with not only a Regular cover but also an End of Days cover, Iconic, and Gilded Order Incentive copies by Jacen Burrows and a special Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Uber #16 Delivers New Horrors

uber-16-PropagandaKieron Gillen has created one of the most powerful alternate history horrors in the pages of Uber. ?Each issue builds palpable dread as more nations begin to throw invincible soldiers into conventional warfare and the annihilation is utterly devastating. ?Now as things begin to slide down the miserable slope toward Nazi Germany turning the tide of the war, there has never been a greater uber-16-war-crimesneed for the Allies to take desperate measures.

New horrors are unveiled as more of the Uber creation coding is deciphered. ?But will these new classes of soldiers turn the shifting tide or simply be buried beneath the Battleship Class monsters’ tsunami of destruction? ?If you aren’t reading uber-16-regyou are missing out on one of the best mature readers war comics being created anywhere.

Check with your local retailer to reserve a copy of Uber #13 and to order the first two Trade Paperbacks of this pivotal series.

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God is Dead Vol 2 TP Reveals the Fate of Gaia

god-is-dead-vol-2Fans everywhere have responded to the world of God is Dead that Jonathan Hickman created. ?Mike Costa picked up the reins of a world pushed to the brink of ruin by the selfish and petty gods of legend and upped the ante from dire to utter devastation. ?As humanity’s last vestiges of the modern world rebel against the petulant deities battling over the seat of power, all manner of faiths return and join the struggle to claim the embattled planet for their own.

And amid the chaos of gods and titans clashing, an ancient man-made horror is unleashed causing what could be the very death of the world. ?If you haven’t been reading God is Dead, make sure you check with your local retailer to find a copy of Vol 1 (by Hickman) and reserve a copy of Vol 2 now! ?Join the chosen and fight the gods!

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Reserve Your Copy of Alan Moore’s God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha

god-is-dead-boa-alphaThe biggest writer in comics cracks open the heavens with a story about the return to Earth of his personal god Glycon. ?Where else but Avatar will you find a story about Alan Moore himself meeting his deity during the events of the second coming?

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?The greatest assembled team god-is-dead-boa-alpha-leatherof writers unleash all-new tales of Gods and men in the biggest event of the summer! ?Two giant-size issues could only be kicked off with the biggest writer in all of comics, ALAN MOORE, as he brings a tale only he could tell – when his personal God Glycon comes to Earth! ?Reunited with Facundo (Fashion Beast) Percio, Alan himself stars in a story about where Gods really get their power. ?Then god-is-dead-boa-alpha-end-of-daysSIMON SPURRIER redefines a lowly cherub into maybe the most destructive of all the Gods, one who knows how to use modern human weaknesses! ?And ongoing series scribe MIKE COSTA finally reveals the greatest mystery of the series – who actually killed God? ? The Alpha and the Omega, two epic tomes that you don’t want to miss! god-is-dead-boa-alpha-iconic?Available with lovely Regular, Iconic, and End of Days covers by series cover artist Jacen Burrows. ?Also a Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile and Divine and Pure Art Retailer Incentives by Burrows. ?You also don’t want to miss the Glycon Leather cover by Burrows or god-is-dead-boa-alpha-WRAPget everything at once with the Deluxe Collector Set!




Look for God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha in the June Previews and ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today.

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Warren Ellis Heroic Digital Bundle on ComiXology

Warren Ellis is well known for creating cutting edge series about flawed heroes and worlds. In a special bundle offer on ComiXology through Sunday 6/22 you can get 21 issues of his hardcore super hero tales for $24.99. ?Included in the set are the following comics:

Black Summer #0 – 7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?The world goes black as Warren Ellis unveils his?Black Summersuper-powered heroes and villains epic! With art by the genius Juan Jose Ryp, no fan of THE AUTHORITY or WANTED will want to miss this bleeding-edge eight issue masterpiece. When the political situation in the USA becomes more than Horus can stand, he moves to take matters into his own hands. But since not all his other team-mates aren’t so eager to throw the world into chaos, an epic conflict starts to form. And no one will be safe as the bodies start to fall.



No Hero #0 – 7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp, the team behind the fan-No Herofavorite BLACK SUMMER, are revolutionizing masked heroes yet again! Dead heroes in the dirt. A killer capable of almost supernatural tortures. Five generations of the world’s only superhuman group. A forty-year legacy of standing for the rights of freedom and safety. A young man obsessed with the need for street justice. How much do you want to be a superhuman? How badly does he want it? Bad enough to bring on the last days of an American legend? If he even gets to survive that long? Forty years ago, a group of super-humans emerged in San Francisco, guided by the man whose unique new drugs gave them their incredible powers. But the team is not the only thing that’s advanced over the years, and there are no easy victories when their luck finally begins to run out…

Supergod #1 – 5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?From the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY SuperGodcomes the craziest and most horrifying superhero comic you’ve ever read! In the world of SUPERGOD, super-humans are the ultimate expression of the Messiah complex, and scientists can build Messiahs who will fly down from the skies to save the world. No-one thought about how they’d do it — or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow of SUPERGOD — the story of how supermen killed us all and ended the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself! Take every superhero comic ever published, shove them into a nuclear-powered blender, soak it in bad vodka and set the whole thing alight — and SUPERGOD will crawl out and eat your brain!

Visit ComiXology here to buy this special bundle of Ellis goodness: ?https://www.comixology.com/Warren-Ellis-Heroic-Bundle/bundle/404

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/18/14

New Avatar Press items to comic shops Wednesday 6/18/14:

Dicks Vol 2 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? You?ve never met two men more crude and down-on-their-DicksVol2TPB (2)luck than Dougie and Ivor! Following their first explosive foray into private investigation, they turn tail and pursue a different childhood dream: taking the world by storm as rock stars. But in true Dicks fashion, the music industry?s rife with hedonists and criminals, all out to get the boys from Belfast. Will our favorite scoundrels survive their celebrity with their most precious body parts intact? GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA, the creative team behind Hitman, deliver their unique brand of over-the-top violence and certain-to-offend humor, just the way you like it! This volume collects Dicks #5-10.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you: ?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Celebrate Friday the 13th with Avatar Horror

It comes only a few times a year, that creepy day when slashers emerge and stalk their prey across lonely camp sites. ?Avatar Press lives for the horror of the day by sharing some of our favorite frights with comic fans everywhere. ?If you are in need of a good scare today, stop by your local comic shop and pick up one of these terrifying trades:

Crossed Vol 1 TP by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows

CrossedTPBCrossed is Garth Ennis’ horrifically visceral exploration of the pure evil that humans are truly capable of indulging. Imagine, for a moment, the worst crimes against humanity. Picture the cruelest affronts to decency. Conjure your darkest nightmares… and then realize it could all be so much worse. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed.


Uber Vol 1 TP by Kieron Gillen and Caanan White

UberV1TPB1945 Germany is in ruins. The war in the west can only be days away from ending. Threats of “wunderwaffen” to be unleashed by the dying Reich have become laughable. There are no miracle weapons here. It’s over. It has to be over. It’s not. There’s been stories which have mixed enhanced humans and World War 2 before. There’s never been one like this. See super beings in a whole new light as Gillen presents an epic new series that not only rewrites history, it redefines the genre. Superstar writer KIERON GILLEN (Invincible Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men) delivers a brutal alternate timeline tale of super humans first appearing during WW2. The Nazis have the Uber. The Allies don’t.

Night of the Living Dead Vol 1 TP by John Russo and Mike Wolfer

Night-of-the-Living-Dead-Tp-Russo-John-9781592911066Fans have demanded it, the most unprecedented and horrifying night in American history continues as the next chapter of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is revealed at last! Set on that fateful evening in 1968, shocking reports from rural areas continue to flood the airwaves with accounts of the recently deceased rising up to kill the living. Now government officials begin counter-measures to calm an increasingly panic-stricken public. Questioning whether or not the unbelievable stories are truth or simply an elaborate hoax perpetrated by militants opposed to the Vietnam War, the attention of the nation’s Capitol is focused on a threat more believable, as thousands of protesters converge on Capitol Hill to voice their opposition to the War. But with National Guard forces spread impossibly-thin to deal with civil unrest, Washington D.C. is completely unprepared for an event that will forever change the course of the country, and perhaps the world, as an unstoppable army of the undead begins to flood the city, bringing their blood-thirsty reign of terror to the very steps of the White House!

Alan Moore’s Neonomicon TP by Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows

Alan Moore Neonomicon - 9781592911301 - JPEG1From the award-winning master of comics, Alan Moore, comes a brand new tale of Lovecraftian horror that will leave you too afraid to close your eyes, but more afraid to open them! NEONOMICON, the sequel to THE COURTYARD Graphic Novel, is slithering its way onto shelves to take its place as a Great Old One of comics terror! Illustrated by Moore’s favorite demented artist, Jacen Burrows, NEONOMICON pulls no punches as every full-colored page is covered in nightmares brought to gruesome life! The story begins some years after the chilling events of THE COURTYARD, in a world where two young and cocky FBI agents are investigating strange… and familiar murders. They think they’ve seen the worst monsters in America, but as they pull up to the maximum security asylum where one Aldo Sax speaks in strange tongues, Agents Brears and Lamper may be beginning to suspect that they’re about to see something so much worse. But they cannot begin to imagine the creeping insanity that has already begun to pull them under….

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic shop near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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