George R.R. Martin Returns to Comics

house-of-the-worm-1house-of-the-worm-1-paintedCelebrated New York Times Bestselling Author George R.R. Martin returns to comics this month with the vibrant adaptation of his classic tale – In the House of the Worm. ?Martin is the leading fantasy fiction writer with his novels and television series A Game of Thrones?topping sales and ratings charts. ?This month in the June Previews Martin, working with John Jos Miller and artist Ivan Rodriguez, brings to life the dark fantasy story of Annelyn and reveals the dire truth behind the legend of the White Worm. ??house-of-the-worm-1-wrapIn this forgotten world of deception and trickery, one man’s petty ambitions will usher in the downfall of his friends and family. ?Vengeance comes at a price and you must be willing to pay it when the balance comes due.

George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm #1 is on sale in August. ?Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today.


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Garth Ennis Creations Haunt Comic Shops With New Trades

Two of Garth Ennis’ horror-fueled creations arrived in comic shops today: Crossed Vol 9 TP and Stitched Vol 3 TP. ?Ennis created both of these frightening worlds and allowed other creators to step in and sow nightmares in his playground.

In Crossed, the world has been overrun by hedonistic maniacs that live to inflict pain and misery on the uninfected.

Crossed Vol 9 TP:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Two very different Crossed scribes open new wounds in the CrossedVol9TPB (2)miserable world of the Crossed!? Daniel Way introduces a naval captain and his crew as they attempt to survive the plague of insanity spreading across the globe in ?Grave New World.?? He?s a shrewd man and watching the monsters has given him an insightful plan for saving those in his charge.? But whether it is inspiration or insanity, the crew still faces the gleeful misery of the Crossed.? And Simon Spurrier returns to tell a tale set in the infected outback.? Todd drives a road train through the desolate Australian desert. Before C-day he was a loser, an outcast, a fat nobody with a nobody-job. Now he’s an Emperor of the wasteland. His rig CrossedVol9HC (2)and its trailers are the safest place around: stocked to the brim with canned food and gasoline. But his desire to have a harem who worship him opens himself up to the true horrors of the outback.? Spurrier brings his trademark flare for developing intricately flawed characters to a story that will haunt your dreams for years to come.?? In a world of Crossed…there is no hope and there is no help.? There is only the Crossed.? This volume collects Crossed: Badlands #44 ? 49 and the Crossed Special 2013.? Also available in Hardcover.


And in Stitched, a terrible supernatural weapon is unearthed and used by the unscrupulous to murder at the hands of unstoppable demon seed driven horrors.

Stitched Vol 3 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Approached by the mysterious Nameless Ones, Nakamura StitchedVol3TPB (2)discovers the secret of the Stitched and uses their soulless drive for destruction to rein misery upon his targets within the criminal organization. Violence and terror drive the Kuroko-Kai to bloody revenge and one slip up by Nakamura will put his family and friends in their vicious sights. But the secret of the Stitched comes with a steep price and his family may ultimately be the ones to pay in blood for his ambition and vengeance! MIKE WOLFER and FERNANDO HEINZ weave a story of ancient evil and terrifying horror, Stitched is a modern masterpiece of darkest nightmare.This volume collects Stitched #14-19.



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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 6/11/14

Crossed: Badlands #55

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? GARTH ENNIS has redefined horror with the Crossed55-regular (2)grueling?bloody?world of Crossed. ?In this penultimate issue of ?The Thin Red Line? we trace the steps of C-Day, the horrific event that turned the planet into a charnel house. ?As the last vestiges of the global governments attempt to identify and contain the rapidly spreading plague, a group of soldiers are sent on a desperate mission to avoid nuclear Armageddon in the middle of what appears to be the End of Days. ?Crossed fans have waited over five years for this story? to finally have some glimpse at the cause of the outbreak. ?But be warned?once you see these images of depravity, you can?t unsee them? no matter how badly they scar you.


Dicks End of Time #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The Dicks are back, now as perhaps the worst masked DicksEOT1 (2)heroes?the World has ever seen! ?Fondly miss The Boys? ?Well, this won’t help much as GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have even less respect for heroes with Super Dicks! Join the boys as they return to their riotous roots with the new misadventures of Dougie and Ivor! ?Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the comic shop, the Dicks are back for a new round of the most offensive misadventures imaginable.




God is Dead #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Jesus has risen and walks among us again. ?But god-is-dead-14 (2)thousands?of?years of recounting the stories of the Bible won?t prepare mankind for the truth about the All Powerful. ?MIKE COSTA pushes the limits of sanity in the world of JONATHAN HICKMAN?s divine war. ?Sacrilege and blasphemy are the order of the day as the human race attempts to cope with the true intentions of gods returned.





Uber #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?KIERON GILLEN and GABRIEL ANDRADE have Uber14-reg (2)brought?an?incredible visceral bloody misery to the pages of ?Uber Year II.? ?The Russians have a monster. ?Katyusha has activated and appears to be Battleship class. ?But she was already a wild card, uncontrollable and unstable. ?How can they hope to base their military survival upon the shoulders of a psychotic soldier? ?The German Ubers continue to push their advantage in the world theatre and the ground quakes from their titanic powers. ?Casualties continue to mount in a conflict that is quickly sending the world to the brink of utter destruction.



New to ComiXology:

Hero Worship #3-6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The biggest superhero screen writer in the World comes to HeroWorship3Regcomics for the first time! Zak Penn (writer of the Avengers movie, X-Men II & III movies, and the Alphas TV show) and Scott Murphy (lead writer of Star Wars The Clone Wars) spin a tale about the ultimate celebrity, an indestructible superhero called Zenith, and the rabid fans that worship him. Legions of adoring fans follow every disaster trying to speculate where they can catch a glimpse of their modern messiah. What happens when an unhealthy obsession leads to one fan getting super powers of his own?

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/11/14

New Avatar Press comics to Comic Shops on Wednesday 6/11/14:

Crossed: Badlands #55

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? GARTH ENNIS has redefined horror with the grueling Crossed55-Torture (2)bloody Crossed55-regular (2)world of Crossed. ?In this penultimate issue of ?The Thin Red Line? we trace the steps of C-Day, the horrific event that turned the planet into a charnel house. ?As the last vestiges of the global governments attempt to identify and contain the rapidly spreading plague, a group of soldiers are sent on a desperate mission to avoid nuclear Armageddon in the middle of what appears to be the End of Days. ?Crossed fans have waited over five years for this story? to finally have some glimpse at the cause of the outbreak. ?But be warned?once you see these images of depravity, you can?t unsee them? no matter how badly they scar you. ?Available with Regular,Torture,and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Christian Zanier, a Fatale Fantasy cover by Matt Martin and a Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade.

Dicks End of Time #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? The Dicks are back, now as perhaps the worst masked heroes DicksEOT1 (2)DicksEOT1-Offensive-CENSORED (2)the World has ever seen! ?Fondly miss The Boys? ?Well, this won’t help much as GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have even less respect for heroes with Super Dicks! Join the boys as they return to their riotous roots with the new misadventures of Dougie and Ivor! ?Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the comic shop, the Dicks are back for a new round of the most offensive misadventures imaginable. ? Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by McCrea.

God is Dead #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Jesus has risen and walks among us again. ?But thousands god-is-dead-14-iconic (2)of god-is-dead-14 (2)years of recounting the stories of the Bible won?t prepare mankind for the truth about the All Powerful. ?MIKE COSTA pushes the limits of sanity in the world of JONATHAN HICKMAN?s divine war. ?Sacrilege and blasphemy are the order of the day as the human race attempts to cope with the true intentions of God returned. ?Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Uber #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?KIERON GILLEN and GABRIEL ANDRADE have brought Uber14-war-crimes (2)an Uber14-reg (2)incredible visceral bloody misery to the pages of ?Uber Year II.? ?The Russians have a monster. ?Katyusha has activated and appears to be Battleship class. ?But she was already a wild card, uncontrollable and unstable. ?How can they hope to base their military survival upon the shoulders of a psychotic soldier? ?The German Ubers continue to push their advantage in the world theatre and the ground quakes from their titanic powers. ?Casualties continue to mount in a conflict that is quickly sending the world to the brink of utter destruction. ?Available with Regular, War Crimes, and Wraparound covers by Gabriel Andrade, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael Dipascale, and a special Blitzkrieg Incentive cover also by Andrade.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book shop near you: ?


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The Final Chapter of Crossed Wish You Were Here

CrossedWYWHvol4TPBSimon Spurrier has created the impossible with Crossed: Wish You Were Here ?– a gripping, dramatic, horror filled long format story set in the devistating Crossed universe. ?Over the course of four chapters, the series has introduced us to a politically charged group of survivors that learn the hard way who they should trust and who they shouldn’t. ?We’ve come to know “Shaky” very well and he’s grown as a character from a piddling self absorbed writer at the outbreak of C-Day to one of the most conniving and CrossedWYWHvol4HCduplicitous men to survive in the this world of monsters. ?But finally…after entertaining readers online for a long time, the epic story of reckoning is coming to an end.

This final chapter will be on sale in August and is in the new June Previews. ?Check with your local comic shop to reserve a copy and to check out all the blood streaked Crossed trade paperback library volumes available.

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Kieron Gillen Writes God is Dead Book of Acts Omega

god-is-dead-boa-omegaHot on the heels of the announcement of Alan Moore’s headlining the upcoming event in God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha comes the news that Kieron Gillen will write a story in its companion piece God is Dead: Book of Acts Omega! ?Gillen has been one of the hottest writers in all of comics over the past five years. ?His titles like Phonogram, Journey into Mystery, and the incredible Uber series have god-is-dead-boa-omega-iconicgained a tremendous following in comic shops. ?The scribe will now make his mark on the God is Dead universe as he tells a story about Alastor, the demon assassin who sees terrible opportunity in this new world of divine vengeance.

Also on the docket in this amazine issue is a story by Justin Jordan who unleashes a dark tale about Pan and his mortal vices. ? And the final mystery of just who killed God god-is-dead-boa-omega-WRAPis revealed as series writer Mike Costa unwraps the most galactic murder mystery of all time.

The series features covers by Crossed artist Jacen Burrows and interior art by some of Avatar’s finest creators, including German (Caligula) Noble, German (NOTLD) Erramouspe, and Rafael (Dan the Unharmable) Ortiz. ?Don’t miss the biggest event in the God is Dead universe this summer! ?Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies for you today.



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Caliban #3 Reveals the Horrors in Space

caliban-3-terror-1 (2)Garth Ennis’ Caliban is being hailed as the best new sci-fi horror comic of the year. ?Its unique mix of tension filled suspense and horror comes as close as you can get to capturing the mood of classic movies like Alien.

In this issue the remaining crew of the Caliban attempt to caliban-3 (2)discover the mystery behind the deaths popping up on the ship. ?But as they put the pieces together a frighting scenario of alien driven horrors is revealed to them. ?One by one the thing inside Kairen unleashes an unrelenting assault against the very nature of humanity. caliban-3-wrap (2)What is the happening to the wayward crewman and how can this abomination be stopped?

caliban-3-design-sketch (2)Join the thousands of readers that are experiencing the creeping dread of Caliban by picking up the first three issues at your local comic shop or buying digital editions at ComiXology.


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 6/4/14

New Avatar Press new titles to ComiXology Wednesday 6/4/14:

Same Day as Print:

Caliban #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ?GARTH ENNIS has created a science fiction horror story that caliban-3 (2)grabs you and rips a black hole in your chest while reading. The crew of the Caliban is dying. When an alien ship melded with their vessel in hyperspace, it unleashed something long forgotten from the darkest and coldest corners of the universe. Creeping flesh, mutating fears, and paranoia pushed to the brink of sanity rule now. Garth Ennis delivers a modern day sci-fi masterpiece in the vein of Alien that tears you screaming from your safe place and leaves you naked before unimaginable horrors.



Backlist Spotlight:

God is Dead #1-12

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?East of West and Fantastic Four author JONATHAN GodisDead1HICKMAN and MIKE COSTA scribe a fierce new series that stomps where others fear to tread. Mankind has argued over the existence of gods since the dawn of time. In modern eras it’s been fashionable to mock religious believers with taunts of scientific testimony and fact. But when the gods of old begin to reappear on earth and claim the domain of man for their own the world is thrown into a state of utter anarchy. Now Horus walks the streets of Egypt, Zeus has taken over the Sistine Chapel, and Odin is coordinating the dissection of the earth among the returned deities. Mankind held sway over the world for thousands of years and their hubris over that time has made them powerful but when faced with the divine can mortal weapons put an end to the second coming of the gods?

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/4/14

New Avatar Press new titles in comic shops Wednesday 6/4/14:

Caliban #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?GARTH ENNIS has created a science fiction horror story caliban-3 (2)caliban-3-terror-1 (2)that grabs you and rips a black hole in your chest while reading. ?The crew of the Caliban is dying. ?When an alien ship melded with their vessel in hyperspace, it unleashed something long forgotten from the darkest and coldest corners of the universe. ?Creeping flesh, mutating fears, and paranoia pushed to the brink of sanity rule now. ?Garth Ennis delivers a modern day sci-fi masterpiece in the vein of Alien that tears you screaming from your safe place and leaves you naked before unimaginable horrors. ?Available with Regular, Wraparound, Terror, and Design Sketch Incentive covers by Facundo Percio and a ultra-limited Dark Matter edition of just 1500 copies.

To find a local comic shop – visit the Comic Shop Locator Service: ?


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Alan Moore Writes God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha

One of the biggest Avatar Press events of the year comes to comics in the new June Previews. ?Alan Moore leads an extraordinary group of gentlemen writers in an oversized god-is-dead-boa-alphaGod is Dead special edition — The Book Of Acts Alpha. ?In this incredible tome, Moore brings not only his personal god, Glycon to life in the story but even features himself as part of the narrative. ?The seminal scribe is joined by Fashion Beast artist Facundo Percio in this story about where gods get their power.

god-is-dead-boa-alpha-leatherAlso in the issue is a unique story by Crossed Wish You Were Here author, Simon Spurrier in which he redfines a lowly cherub into possibly the most destructive of the divine beings. ?And regular series writer Mike Costa spills the secret behind the biggest mystery in the GID universe — who killed God.

god-is-dead-boa-omegaIf you think things can’t possibly get bigger than that – look out for the God is Dead Book of Acts Omega issue featuring Uber scribe Kieron Gillen, Justin Jordan, and the last chapter of Mike Costa’s “Who Killed God arc!”

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