Bleeding Cool Magazine #10 On Sale

BleedingCoolMag-10Bleeding Cool Magazine #10, the Sci-Fi Spectacular issue, is in stores now featuring an awesome Dark Horse Alien / Prometheus cover! ?Fans of science fiction will enjoy an issue dedicated to covering the best and brightest of the genre in comics and film. ?This issue features articles on Fear Agent, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Mage, Robocop, The Death Defying Doctor Mirage, Alien, and much more. ?We also talk one on one with Harlan Ellison about IDW’s City on the Edge of Forever adaptation and Max Brooks on Extinction Parade.

richjohnstonRich Johnston supplies the latest gossip and delves into what makes sci-fi relevant. ?His unique perspective is always entertaining and enlightening. ? Brendon Connelly talks with Angelina Jolie on Disney’s Maleficent and previews some of the biggest theatrical sci-fi on the horizon!

Bleeding Cool Magazine‘s collector features give you the upper hand on turning your collection into profit. ?With over 100 pages of content, BCM is the best comics news and editorial entertainment for your bucks!


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Reserve Your Extinction Parade: War #1 & Vol 1 TP

ExtinctionParadeWar1-regLocal comic shops are completing their orders for comics and trades listed in the May issue of Previews including the new Extinction Parade: War #1 and Extinction Parade Vol 1 TP. ?Max Brooks fans have been following this stark new chapter in the Zombies vs Vampires subgenre of horror and are watching the calendar for the July releases of these essential volumes.

ExtinctionParade-vol-1-tpbIn Extinction Parade: War #1 we get the oversized first issue detailing the evolution of vampire combat against the forces of the walking dead. ?After centuries of hunting the fringes of human existance, vampires have finally been shocked into action against the plague of subdead. ?But despite their tremendous power, what good is a drop of water against a river? ?The vampire race must learn how to fight and attempt to stem the tide of infection ExtinctionParadeWar1-collector-box-setbefore the human race is no more.

And Extinction Parade Vol 1 TP presents the entire first chapter of Max Brooks’ innovative new series in one fantastic collection. ?The evolution of the undead war begins here and fans of Brooks unique voice will love adding this to their collections of his seminal work.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of both books today!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 5/28/14

New Avatar Press comics to ComiXology on Wednesday 5/28:

Same day as print:

Crossed: Badlands #54

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? In the opening days of the Crossed infection the world reels crossed-54-regularbeneath the onslaught of maniacal insanity. And yet, between the heartbeats of the maniacs loosed on unsuspecting humanity, a deadly endgame of nuclear war is playing out. With Russian nukes inbound to the east coast of the United States, the English Prime Minister must make a daring decision to avoid all out human annihilation while trying to determine the cause of the Crossed plague tearing through his country. In this world full of monsters, there is no help. There is only the Crossed.



God is Dead #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?A new arc begins as MIKE COSTA delivers the intensity and god-is-dead-13darkness in the ongoing tale of the gods returned. As the dust settles, a new voice from the void arises, one that is known of modern man and full of divine wrath. He is risen, Jesus Christ again walks among men! The most audacious arc of God Is Dead has arrived and Jesus begins to set things right… but His salvation might be causing more harm than good.




Rover Red Charlie #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The FINAL issue is a super-sized concluding chapter to the RoverRedCharlie-6-regstory of Rover, Red, and Charlie. The boys made it from New York to the big splash, but things are far from good. Herman is back for vengeance and as the world falls down around them, these three canine best friends must face his wrath. And even the bonds of friendship can?t stop the inevitability of the long sleep. GARTH ENNIS delivers three of his most beloved characters to the end of the world and tells a gripping story through the innocent eyes of dogs.



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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/28/14

New Avatar Press new titles in comic shops Wednesday 5/28/14:

Crossed: Badlands #54

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? In the opening days of the Crossed infection the world reels crossed-54-regularcrossed-54-torturebeneath the onslaught of maniacal insanity. ?And yet, between the heartbeats of the maniacs loosed on unsuspecting humanity, a deadly endgame of nuclear war is playing out. ?With Russian nukes inbound to the east coast of the United States, the English Prime Minister must make a daring decision to avoid all out human annihilation while trying to determine the cause of the Crossed plague tearing through his country. ?In this world full of monsters, there is no help. ?There is only the Crossed. ?Available with Regular, Torture and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Christian Zanier a Fatale Fantasy cover by Matt Martin and a Wraparound cover by Gabriel Andrade.

God is Dead #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?A new arc begins as MIKE COSTA delivers the intensity and god-is-dead-13god-is-dead-13-end-of-daysdarkness in the ongoing tale of the gods returned.? As the dust settles, a new voice from the void arises, one that is known of modern man and full of divine wrath.? He is risen, Jesus Christ again walks among men!? The most audacious arc of God Is Dead has arrived and Jesus begins to set things right… but His salvation might be causing more harm than good.? Available with not only a Regular cover but also an End of Days cover, Iconic, and Gilded Order Incentive copies by Jacen Burrows and a special Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile.

Rover Red Charlie #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The FINAL issue is a super-sized concluding chapter to the RoverRedCharlie-6-regRoverRedCharlie-6-Wraparoundstory of Rover, Red, and Charlie. ?The boys made it from New York to the big splash, but things are far from good. ?Herman is back for vengeance and as the world falls down around them, these three canine best friends must face his wrath. ?And even the bonds of friendship can?t stop the inevitability of the long sleep. ?GARTH ENNIS delivers three of his most beloved characters to the end of the world and tells a gripping story through the innocent eyes of dogs. ?Available with a Regular, Wraparound, and a Dog Days Order Incentive cover by series artist Michael Dipascale.


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Max Brooks’ Vampires Don’t Sparkle

MaxBrooks1Much has been made about the wussification of vampires over the past decade thanks to movies like Twilight. ?But Max Brooks’ vampires in Extinction Parade?hearken ?back to a darker time when creatures of the night were beings of excess that lived off the suffering of others. ?In the upcoming release of Extinction Parade TP we visit the evolution of the vampire race and watch as they face the first crisis they can’t simply outlive.

ExtinctionParade-vol-1-tpbAs vampires learn to use their powers to do more than hunt hapless prey they must find ways to destroy zombies. ?Certainly a vampire is a match for fifty or a hundred shambling dead. ?But what about a million? ?Or even a billion? ?As the light of humanity sputters beneath seemingly infinite waves of walking dead, will vampires help to turn the tide or simply gorge themselves on the few remaining humans and usher in a planet of the dead? ?Master scribe and New York Times Bestselling author Max Brooks delivers a unique tale that is part dark horror and part biting social commentary that would give George Romero a run for his money.


Ask your local comic shop retailers to reserve a copy of Extinction Parade Vol 1 Tp for you today.

Or find it B&N: ?

And on Amazon:?

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First Look at Extinction Parade: War

ExtinctionParadeWar1pg01ExtinctionParadeWar1pg02Max Brooks’ newest chapter in the evolving war of Vampires vs Zombies that began in the pages of Extinction Parade continues in an all new series – Extinction Parade: War #1. ?The vampire race has finally been pulled from their lofty perch above the struggles of humanity and called into action. ?At last they realize that the zombie plague is overwhelming the human race and with the extinction of mankind also comes the destruction of the vampires. ?Now bloodsuckers from every corner of the globe are learning how to fight and attempting to stem the tide of the infection.

ExtinctionParadeWar1pg04ExtinctionParadeWar1pg05But is it too little too late? ?And how difficult is it for a race that has lived in privilege for thousands of years to learn how to defeat an unrelenting enemy? ?This new chapter in the innovative horror tale will take you on the journey of the vampire race as they become an army of the bloodline.


Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Extinction Parade: War #1 for you today.

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Phoenix Comic Con VIP Membership Exclusives

VIPAvatar Press heads west to the fantastic Phoenix Comic Con in two short weeks from June 5th to the 8th. ?This year the Avatar Press VIP pack is bigger than ever and chock full of exclusives. ?Fans wait year round for this great value that includes a four day pass to the show, an Avatar Press graphic novel library, VIP access to the Avatar creators at the show, and the biggest exclusive comics at the event. ?The package is $199 and valued at over $750 retail. ?It is limited to a scant 50 sets and can be ordered here: ?

You also get 16 Avatar graphic novels which have never before been offered in a VIP set including:

  • Crossed Volumes ?5,6,7,8
  • Crossed Wish You Were Here Volumes 1,2,3
  • Absolution Volumes ?1, 2
  • Dan the Unharmable Volumes 1,2
  • Caligula Volumes 1,2
  • War Goddess Vol 1
  • Night of the Living Dead Aftermath Volumes 1,2

Each set includes these amazing limited edition comics:

  • Crossed50-phoenix-vip_copy_largeCrossed: Badlands #50 Phoenix VIP – This horrifically scarce edition is only available with VIP sets and is limited to just 250 copies!
  • God is Dead #1 White Leather – Limited to just 1000 copies!
  • God is Dead #1-5 Pantheon and #6-12 Gilded Editions – All of the first twelve issues with the very rare retailer order incentives covers!? Get them signed by writer Mike Costa!
  • Hero Worship #1-6 Heroic Editions – All six of the original series very rare retailer order incentives!? get them signed by artist Michael DiPascale!
  • Extinction Parade #1 Army of the Bloodlines covers – All 9 of the very limited covers, limited to 1000 copies each.? Soon to be a TV show!


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 5/21/14

New Avatar Press comics to ComiXlogy Wednesday 5/21/14:


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ??An original graphic novel from Warren Ellis! A highly trained crecybut under equipped army invades another country due to that country’s perceived threat to home security. The army conducts shock-and-awe raids designed to terrify the populace. This army is soon driven to ground, and vastly outnumbered. The English army has to stand and fight, in Crecy, France. On 26 August 1346, modern warfare changed forever. This is the story of England’s greatest battle. Featuring the stunningly detailed art of Raulo Caceres.



Dark Blue

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ??Warren Ellis’ critically acclaimed Dark Blue is a deluxe dark bluegraphic novel illustrated by Jacen Burrows with full grey tones. Violent, disturbed cop Frank Christchurch has too many problems. He has a partner who’s convinced he’s mentally ill, a commanding officer on smack, and a killer whom no-one else seems to want to catch. The pressure of his savage life is triggering murderous outbursts and hallucinations. Frank Christchurch is on the way down. And he might take everyone with him. Nothing is as it seems. This saga marks the first collaboration between Warren Ellis and Jacen Burrows, the critically-acclaimed team behind Bad World and Scars.


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Inside Max Brooks’ Extinction Parade

ExtinctionParade02pg25ExtinctionParade02pg24Max Brooks’ first chapter of his new Vampires vs. Zombies epic is collected into a horrifying trade paperback in this month’s issue of Previews. ?Fans of Brooks’ signature tales of intelligent horror have flocked to the Extinction Parade comic and are enjoying his unique vision for a world where the zombie plague has all but wiped out the human race. ?And as the last spark of life flickers, an ancient parasitic race steps from the shadows into the light of a new day. ?No longer insulated from worldly conflict and evolution, the vampire race must finally be ExtinctionParade02pg15ExtinctionParade02pg11pushed from its lofty perch above all and into the fray for their very survival.

This is a horror story like you’ve never encountered. ?Avatar Press provides this exclusive look at the art from the trade paperback as a way to prepare yourself for the upcoming collection.

Ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of the Extinction Parade Vol 1 Tp for you today. ?The collection is also available at Barnes & Noble booksellers and on Amazon at:?

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Top 7 Shocking Crossed Moments

CrossedTPBGarth Ennis’ gruesome world of hedonistic murderers known as the Crossed has set the bar for extreme horror. ?Its no-holds-barred approach to the evil that humans are capable of seemingly knows no bounds. ?Each new author to step into the world brings a darkness with them that grows the misery of the Crossed to new proportions.

CrossedWYWHVol1TPBNow the discerning horror enthusiasts at Bloody Disgusting have highlighted the top 7 Most Shocking Crossed Moments. ?From the beginning of the Crossed Universe and through the many tales spun in the pages of Badlands and Wish you Were Here comes a list that will give you nightmares. ?You can find the full list of shocking moments here: ?-?

CrossedVol4TPBTo find out what Crossed is all about – visit your local comic book shop for a walk through the bloody trade paperback volumes. ?Or check out Amazon’s Crossed selection if you prefer online shopping: ?

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