Caliban Tops Creepy Critique With 5 Out of 5 Rating!

CALIBAN_01_page_16 copy (2)Horror aficionado Decapitated Dan has written about scary tales from all corners of the comic book world. ?This week he reviews Garth Ennis’ Caliban #1 and gives it the highest praise you can give – 5 out of 5!

Ennis has created a story that fits seamlessly into the hopeless worlds of theatrical classics like Alien and Event Horizon. ?Facundo Percio delivers visuals that build the CALIBAN_01_page_17 copy (2)dread and deliver a slow burn horror bonanza in this first issue. ?Aboard the mining vessel Caliban a skeleton crew of maintenance personnel keep the juggernaut on its solitary mission among the stars while hundreds of miners sleep in their stasis pods. ?But when the ship merges with an alien hulk while hurling through hyperspace, a new terror among the stars starts to CALIBAN_01_page_13 copy (2)take place.

This is the perfect horror comic to give you those nightmares of helplessness and hopelessness that must be the order of the day in space. ?Billions of miles from the life you knew on earth, in space no one will be there to help you. ?No one.

You can read Decapitated Dan’s full review here:

Garth Ennis’ Caliban #1 is available at local comic shops, on ComiXology, and from

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 4/16/14

New Avatar Press new titles in comic shops Wednesday 4/16/14:

God is Dead #11

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Albert accomplished his goal of drawing more deities into thegod-is-dead-11 world?and now the Earth will burn. ?Man?s hubris truly does know no bounds. ?Can the human race find a way to co-exist with gods walking among them? ?Or will this be the final chapter in the book of Armageddon? ?MIKE COSTA god-is-dead-11-iconicdelivers the intensity and darkness in the ongoing tale of humanity at the brink of destruction. ?Available with not only a Regular cover but also an End of Days cover, Iconic, and Gilded Order Incentive copies by Jacen Burrows and a special Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile.


Rover Red Charlie #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Long gone are the days of treats and dog parks. ?Rover, Red, RRC5_Regand Charlie near the end of their canine odyssey as they discover the trail to their final destiny. ?As the feeders? world collapses around them, these three best friends continue to search for the new path in this post-apocalyptic world. ?And with the very forces of nature seemingly against them, the trio must find a way to the Big Splash. ?GARTH ENNIS, the master of original horror, has crafted RRC5_Wraparounda story that eloquently reveals the best and worst in human nature through the actions of man?s best friend. ?Available with a Regular, Wraparound, and a Dog Days Order Incentive cover by series artist Michael Dipascale.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a local comic book store near you –

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Coming Next Week: Rover Red Charlie #5

Garth Ennis is known for his imaginative characters and incredible dialogue. ?But no one suspected that a series about dogs at the end of the world would be as moving as Rover RRC5_RegRed Charlie turned out to be. ?It is the story of three canine best friends as they attempt to live and learn how to survive in a world without keepers. ?Dog lovers and comic book fans everywhere have latched onto these three friends and are watching with anticipation to see where RRC5_Wraparoundtheir journey takes them.

Ennis has perfectly captured the voice of these dogs in a way that was both unexpected and admired. ?So many fans now say that when they hear a dog barking they immediately think “I’m a dog! I’m a dog! I’m a dog!” as the dogs in the series exclaim with each bark and howl. ?The art of Michael Dipascale has shown an incredible range of emotion and expression from these dogs making them seem even more like the animals that we keep as pets and ?parts of our own families. ?And as the journey from the dying city to the bigger RRC5_Dog_Dayssplash nears its end, people are hailing the series as one of the freshest comics of the year. ?This week Rover Red Charlie #5 will be out in comic shops and the final issue will arrive in just about one month. ?Enjoy the journey these friends take and be ready for the final revelations to come.

Rover Red Charlie is a monthly six issue series from Avatar Press.

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Final Chapters of Crossed “Thin Red Line” in April Previews

Crossed56-regular (2)Crossed fans everywhere have been following the story unfolding in Garth Ennis’ C-Day event that began with Badlands #50. ?In the pages of each issue we see the first hours of the Crossed plague unfolding and the pieces being put together about how the infection spread so quickly Crossed55-regular (2)across the globe. ?As the survivors attempt to understand what is happening they stumble upon several factors that point toward some kind of coordinated attack. ?And the Crossed disease itself continues to develop and become the rage driven horror that readers have come to recognize.

Garth Ennis is letting fans walk in the footsteps of the world Crossed55-Torture (2)as the end of civilization is introduced to an unsuspecting world. ?How far will the revelations go? ?Will we understand the nature of the virus and how it began? ?Will we find out if there is no cure? ?The answers await…in the pages of the last two issues of the “Thin Red Line” story arc in Crossed: Badlands #55 & 56 on sale in June. ?Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of these crucial issues for you.

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Caliban #1 Draws Rave Reviews

Caliban-1Last week the premiere issue of Garth Ennis’ new space horror series, Caliban #1 debuted in comic shops and digitally on ComiXology. ?The book has been described by Ennis as his homage to Ridley Scott’s ultimate space terrror Caliban-1-wrapfilm, Alien. ?And it lives up to that hype beginning a terrifying slow burn chiller that will make even the most die hard of comic fans sit up and take notice.

The series launch met with high praise from several respected sources:

Bloody Disgusting – “4.5 out of 5 Skulls” -?

Multiversity Comics – “8.9 out of 10” -?

Comic Addiction – “5 out of 5” -?

Caliban-1-terrorCheck with your local comic book shop about reserving a copy of the first issue today. ?Or stop by ComiXology to find a digital copy -?


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ComiXology Features Garth Ennis Bundles

Garth Ennis – the master of modern horror and father of Crossed, the most depraved comic series being published, is featured this week with two exclusive digital comic bundles from ComiXology. ?The bundles package all available digital editions of Dicks (10 comics) and Chronicles of Wormwood (12 comics) into affordable ordering lines that offer up to 49% off the normal prices of the books. ?The sale runs through April 13th and can be found here:

Dicks (Color) #1 Regular EditionDicks is the series that Garth Ennis has said is his favorite to work on. ?This outrageous comic series chronicles the lives to Dougie and Ivor, two morons who get into the most offensive situations ever recorded. ?Dicks is meant to offend and amuse – imagine the most insane antics you can and then multiply that by ten. ?That is what you get with the Dicks.

Chronicles of WormwoodChronicles of Wormwood is about religion. ?Well…sort of. ?See the Anti-Christ and the returned Jesus Christ are not what you think they are. ?And neither one wants to start the End of Days…but there are forces at work around them that want to force their hands. ?This irreverent series is guaranteed to change the way you look at religion and rabbits from here out.

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New in April Previews

Avatar has a trio of vicious trade paperback collections for fans to enjoy in the new April Previews catalog. ?These essential collections are shipping in June and are the perfect way to kick off your summer, Avatar style. ?Make sure you reserve your copies today with your favorite local comic shop.

Crossed Vol 9 Tpb

CrossedVol9TPB (2)PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Two very different Crossed scribes open new wounds in the miserable world of the Crossed!? Daniel Way introduces a naval captain and his crew as they attempt to survive the plague of insanity spreading across the globe in ?Grave New World.?? He?s a shrewd man and watching the monsters has given him an insightful plan for saving those in his charge.? But whether it is inspiration or insanity, the crew still faces the gleeful misery of the Crossed.? And Simon Spurrier returns to tell a tale set in the infected outback.? Todd drives a road train through the desolate Australian desert. Before C-day he was a loser, an outcast, a fat nobody with a nobody-job. Now he’s an Emperor of the wasteland. His rig and its trailers are the safest place around: stocked to the brim with canned food and gasoline. But his desire to have a harem who worship him opens himself up to the true horrors of the outback.? Spurrier brings his trademark flare for developing intricately flawed characters to a story that will haunt your dreams for years to come.?? In a world of Crossed…there is no hope and there is no help.? There is only the Crossed.? This volume collects Crossed: Badlands #44 ? 49 and the Crossed Special 2013.? Also available in Hardcover.

Dicks Vol 2 Tpb

DicksVol2TPB (2)PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? You?ve never met two men more crude and down-on-their-luck than Dougie and Ivor! Following their first explosive foray into private investigation, they turn tail and pursue a different childhood dream: taking the world by storm as rock stars. But in true Dicks fashion, the music industry?s rife with hedonists and criminals, all out to get the boys from Belfast. Will our favorite scoundrels survive their celebrity with their most precious body parts intact? GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA, the creative team behind Hitman, deliver their unique brand of over-the-top violence and certain-to-offend humor, just the way you like it! This volume collects Dicks #5-10.

Stitched Vol 3 Tpb

StitchedVol3TPB (2)PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Approached by the mysterious Nameless Ones, Nakamura discovers the secret of the Stitched and uses their soulless drive for destruction to rein misery upon his targets within the criminal organization. Violence and terror drive the Kuroko-Kai to bloody revenge and one slip up by Nakamura will put his family and friends in their vicious sights. But the secret of the Stitched comes with a steep price and his family may ultimately be the ones to pay in blood for his ambition and vengeance! MIKE WOLFER and FERNANDO HEINZ weave a story of ancient evil and terrifying horror, Stitched is a modern masterpiece of darkest nightmare.This volume collects Stitched #14-19.


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Caliban Scores 4.5 Skulls From Bloody Disgusting

Caliban-1-wrapHorror mega-site Bloody Disgusting rated Garth Ennis’ new series Caliban with 4.5 (out of 5) Skulls and called it “a definite must-read for sci-fi and horror fans.” ?The review by Jorge Solis walks through Ennis’ motivation to create his own homage to Ridley Scott’s classic space horror franchise, CALIBAN_01_page_17 copy (2)Alien. ?Beautifully illustrated by Facundo Percio (of Fashion Beast fame) this new trip into the silent infinite of space is full of trademark Ennis goodness – spot on dialogue, incredible circumstances, and twists you won’t see coming.

CALIBAN_01_page_13 copy (2)Caliban #1 is available in comic shops and on ComiXology as a digital download now. ?To read the full review of the creeping horror packed into this new ongoing series, visit?

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Ennis Returns to Creeping Horror with Caliban

Caliban-1Garth Ennis is well known for creating one of a kind characters within violent and horrific worlds. ?Anyone who has read Crossed knows that his stories themselves have no fear and are willing to discover the vilest of nightmares. ?Now Ennis takes his trademark flare for imaginative worlds Caliban-1-terrorand releases Caliban – a horror filled romp through outer space on a freighter hurling through the universe.

The new series explores the lives of the crew of the Caliban. ?When the ship unexpectedly encounters an alien derelict while hurtling through hyperspace a horrifying claustrophobic chain of Caliban-1-dark-matterevents begins to take place. ?Fans of Riddey Scott’s classic sci-fi horror film Alien will enjoy this trip into a frightening universe of the unknown. ?Experience stifling fright as the mundane expectations of the crew of this mining vessel begin to unravel into a terrifying world of pain and misery. ?Join Caliban-1-wrapGarth Ennis on this new trip into the place where fear and terror hide deep within us all. ?Caliban opens the air lock of your heart and exposes you to the cold terror of alien space.

Pick up issue #1 at your local comic shop this week.

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David Lapham’s Ferals & Caligula Bundles at ComiXology

Ferals17RegDavid Lapham has made a career of creating unique horrors for the comic reading community. ?There aren’t two more vicious and terrifying series than his work on Ferals and Caligula.

In Ferals Lapham revisits his crime noir roots while single handedly redefining the werewolf story from a campy tale to a horrifying drama. ?Gone are the full moons and silver FERALS7regularbullets replaced by a hard drinking small town cop that contracts the feral condition. ?What follows in its wake is a story that rips your guts out and uses your intestines as a lasso. ?The series is a non-stop thrill ride that slowly reveals a world that is on the verge of war with the Feral lineage. ?The Ferals Bundle includes all 18 issues for $19.99!

CaligulaHeart1RegCaligula on the other hand is a story of revenge and temptation at the hands of a demon born of excess. ?What drive a man to avenge his family and what makes him betray his conviction? ?The demon Caligula brings horrors down upon the lowly and the grand of Rome alike. ?But can the farm boy turned plaything figure out the secret to Caligula’s power? ?And will he destroy it before it destroys him? ?The Caligula Bundle includes all 12 issues for $11.99!


ComiXology is featuring both story bundles through Sunday 4/6 for a special reduced rate. ?Treat yourself to the horrors of Lapham with this special sale: ?

And for trade paperbacks of these horrifying stories, be sure to stop at your local comic book shop for collected print editions! ?


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