Avatar Press New to ComiXology 4/2/14

Avatar Press new titles to ComiXology Wednesday 4/2/14:

Same Day as Print

Caliban #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist Caliban-1FACUNDO PERCIO team up to deliver a haunting new epic of science fiction horror. The crew of the Caliban travels hyperspace on nothing more than a routine trip for the giant vessel. Just human beings that have been inside a bit too long, confident of no other life in the Galaxy, and all the vastness of space to remind them how far they are from home. But when an impossible accident suddenly causes the Caliban to slam into an abandoned alien ship, a nightmare in space begins to unfold. Ennis delivers his unique brand of flawed characters, spot-on dialogue, and trademark flare for the unexpected in a new series in the vein of Alien. This is the beginning of the end for the crew of the Caliban.


Crossed: Badlands #51

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: GARTH ENNIS ? the creator of Crossed and Preacher, Crossed-51-regcontinues the tale that set off C-Day in comic shops worldwide last month! We return to the beginning of the bloodiest survival horror comic ever created. For over five years fans have speculated and postulated how it all began. Now Ennis addresses a story directly to the faithful that have been preparing for the outbreak since 2008. Artist CHRISTIAN ZANIER provides the shocking illustration as the Crossed plague?s earliest days are chronicled for all to see. But be warned? there is no hope.



God is Dead #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: More returned gods and demigods have targeted the Earth as god-is-dead-10their own. Now where once there was a single pantheon under Mother Earth Gaia, there is a churning vortex of divine anger and wrath. Mankind plotted to overthrow a god. But little did they know that the solution may be worse than the problem. MIKE COSTA continues JONATHAN HICKMAN?s vision for the war of the divine in the pages of God is Dead!




New to ComiXology

303 #5 – 6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Garth Ennis concludes this major, full-color, creator-owned 303n5_1024x1024epic with a stunning twist and all-out action! He’s come ten thousand miles to fire one bullet at the only target he cares about. Now, the anonymous Russian Colonel faces his final test- but when he finds his victim in his sights, has he got what it takes to pull the trigger? Or do the ghosts that dog his heels have other plans for him? Find out, in the final shocking installments of 303.




**Be sure to check out the David Lapham bundle sale at ComiXology where you can get the full series of Ferals and Caligula for a discounted price: ?https://www.comixology.com/Save-On-Avatar-David-Lapham-Bundles/page/1372

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 4/2/14

New Avatar Press new titles in comic shops Wednesday 4/2/14:

Caliban #1

Caliban-1PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist FACUNDO PERCIO team up to deliver a haunting new epic of science fiction horror.? The crew of the Caliban travels?hyperspace on nothing Caliban-1-terrormore than a routine trip for the giant vessel.? Just human beings that have been inside a bit too long, confident of no other life in the Galaxy, and all the vastness of space to remind them how far they are from home. ?But when an impossible accident suddenly causes the Caliban to slam into an abandoned alien ship, a nightmare in space begins to unfold.? ?Ennis delivers his unique brand of flawed characters, spot-on dialogue, and trademark flare for the unexpected in a new series in the vein of Alien.? This is the beginning of the end for the crew of the Caliban.? Available with Regular, Wraparound, Terror, and Design Sketch Incentive covers by Facundo Percio and a ultra-limited Dark Matter edition of just 1500 copies.

Crossed: Badlands #51

Crossed-51-wrapPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: GARTH ENNIS ? the creator of Crossed and Preacher, continues the tale that set off C-Day in comic shops worldwide last month!? ?We return to the beginning of the bloodiest survival horror comic ever created.? For over five years fans have speculated and postulated Crossed-51-reghow it all began.? Now Ennis addresses a story directly to the faithful that have been preparing for the outbreak since 2008.? Artist CHRISTIAN ZANIER provides the shocking illustration as the Crossed plague?s earliest days are chronicled for all to see.? But be warned? there is no hope. ?Available with Regular, Wraparound and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Christian Zanier, a Fatale Fantasy cover by Jacen Burrows and a Torture cover by Gabriel Andrade.

God is Dead #10

god-is-dead-10PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: More returned gods and demigods have targeted the Earth as their own.? Now where once there was a single pantheon under Mother Earth Gaia, there is a churning vortex of divine anger and god-is-dead-10-end-of-dayswrath.? Mankind plotted to overthrow a god.? But little did they know that the solution may be worse than the problem.? MIKE COSTA continues JONATHAN HICKMAN?s vision for the war of the divine in the pages of God is Dead!? Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath Vol 2 TP

NLDAftermathV2TPBPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? The hedonistic late 1970s is the perfect backdrop for the next evolution in the classic Night of the Living Dead series!? DAVID HINE continues a horrifyingly original take on the zombie menace as the virus spreads through Las Vegas leaving it a city of the dead.? As a group of unlikely survivors flee east, they encounter something more sinister even than the reanimated corpses that seem intent on finding and dining upon the ragtag refugees.? For locked away in a secure military facility they discover that true horror is bred by the living much more efficiently than the dead. ??But hidden within the misery is the unthinkable?an anomaly that could lead to a zombie vaccine.? This collection includes issues #7 – 12 of the Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath series.

Bleeding Cool Magazine #9

BleedingCoolMag09PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? What time is it?? Adventure Time!? Join us as the biggest kids comics in the world join the freshest cartoon on television to create an issue like no other. RICH JOHNSTON gives the lowdown on what to look for and what to bank on in the world of comic books! ? BRENDON CONNELY takes us behind the scenes of the biggest upcoming movies with exclusive photos and scoops on Hollywood?s super events.? Tired of seeing everyone profit from their comics but you?? Get ahead of the curve with Comics To Cash and Vintage Paper to see where the next big back issue explosion will happen.? Delivering over 100 pages per issue on a bi-monthly release schedule, each issue is full of articles that are NOT AVAILABLE ON THE WEB!

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a local comic book store near you – http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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Ennis & McCrea Return to Dicks: End of Time in May

DicksEOT1 (2)Is there a more offensive and insulting series out there than Ennis and McCrea’s Dicks? ?It’s hard to imagine one that packs as much toilet humor into 32 pages as the series that Ennis has called “his favorite to write.” ?The Dicks are two imbeciles from Belfast that have gotten up to all manner of ill conceived mischief.

DicksEOT1-Offensive-CENSORED (2)Now if you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you let an award winning author revisit the craziest musings of the teenage mind, you can find out right here in the new series. ?Garth Ennis reintroduces Dougie and Ivor, the Dicks, this time as the worst masked heroes the world has ever seen. ?The Boys….no not “those Boys” have even less respect for super heroes and you can expect they will be up to their necks in DicksEOT1-classic-moment (2)the usual tomfoolwankery that these two morons always manage to stumble into.

If you are looking for something that take you back to the toilet humor you remember from high school and you enjoy being offended by two imaginary blokes, this is the series for you.

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God is Dead & Disenchanted TPB Orders Due

god-is-dead-vol-1Coming in May, two of Avatar’s newest comic series will be collected into their first trade ?paperback editions. ?Jonathan Hickman’s God is Dead has changed the way fans look at mythology. ?With its modern take on the fate of the world under the thumb of the returned pantheons of old, the series has found a home among Hickman’s legions of fans. ?This first pivotal chapter setting up the God is Dead world is the perfect starting point for fans of East of West and Manhattan Projects to enjoy yet another of his creative universes.



DisenchantedVol 1_TPBDisenchanted is the free webcomic by Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe, Simon Spurrier. ?This series explains where magic went to die. ?When all the forgotten fairy folk inhabit a tiny city in an abandoned subway tube, they find out that even life among the tiny folk is full of violence and horror. ?In a tale that will appeal to readers of Fables and Grimm Fairy?Tales, Spurrier has created a world that is one part magic and one part modern crime drama. ?This initial trade paperback edition collects the full first chapter of the webcomic.

Both trades are being ordered by your local comic shop. ?Ask your retailer to reserve copies for you. ?Or find them on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.com.

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Crossed: Badlands #50 Ushers in C-Day 2014

Garth EnnisIt is here…the day that Crossed fans worldwide wait for with maniacal glee. ?C-Day is upon us and local comic shops everywhere are preparing for the deluge of Crossed fans that are partying like it is the end of the world. ?The festivities begin with Garth Ennis’ return to his blood soaked series, Crossed with issue #50 of Badlands. ?In the Crossed50_Regpages of the grimoire you’ll find a story described as a”patient zero” tale by Ennis in which he addresses that fateful day when the Crossed virus hit and spread like wildfire.

In “The Thin Red Line” we see the boys from Crossed: Badlands #25 as they were on a protection detail for the Crossed50_TorturePrime Minister. ?The contrast of this band of brothers in the civilized world makes a brilliantly stark vision compared to the men we met just one year ago at the end of their journey.

And now, over five years past the debut of his redefining grueling horror series, Garth Ennis has promised a peek Crossed50_TrueRomancebehind the curtain of what may have caused the apocalypse. ?Fans of the series are out in force at local comic shops for parties, costume contests, and spreading the word about the most horrifying series being published today. ?Comic book retailers and fans are sending in pictures from events so we can bring you images from Crossed50_Amazonsthis annual celebration of horror.

Crossed: Badlands #50 is available in comic shops and digitally on ComiXology today. ?Experience the vilest horrors with Garth Ennis and the Crossed universe.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/26/14

New Avatar Press comics on ComiXology Wednesday 3/26/14:

Same Day as Print:

Crossed: Badlands #50

Crossed50_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The most highly anticipated Crossed story ever is finally here! GARTH ENNIS ? the creator of Crossed, returns to the miserable world he created to take us all the way back to the beginning with an unforgettable tale of the fabric of society unraveling.? From the first issue of Crossed fans have wondered how it all began.? Was it an act of god?? Did it begin as a man-made bio-weapon?? Is it the final evolution of human kind?? Now,?after more than five years of horror, Ennis reveals his ?Patient Zero? in this seven part epic drawn by CHRISTIAN ZANIER.? Join the master of modern horror and all of the Crossed Nation faithful as they get a front row seat for the biggest issue of Crossed since it debuted!

Uber Special #1

UberSpecial1_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? KIERON GILLEN digs deep into the origins of Uber with this all-new super-size Special!? For the first time ever, he is unveiling the origin and first missions of Sieglinde and the German Battleships illustrated by GABRIEL ANDRADE!? The German war machine has been developing the most powerful weapons ever?fashioned.? Their Battleship class Ubers are like living atom bombs annihilating every obstacle in their paths.? But they were once humans, and it takes more than power to make a monster, so what could have forged such cold, murderous beasts?


Be sure to check out the big Crossed Sale going on at ComiXology right now – $.99 back issues and a massive 75 comic bundle for $74.99 all in celebration of C-Day!



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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 3/26/14

The following items are new in comic shops this Wednesday 3/26/14:

Crossed: Badlands #50

Crossed50_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The most highly anticipated Crossed story ever is finally here! GARTH ENNIS ? the creator of Crossed, returns to the miserable world he created to take us all the way back to the beginning with an unforgettable tale of the fabric of society unraveling.? From the first issue of Crossed fans have wondered how it all began.? Was it an act of god?? Did it begin as a man-made bio-weapon?? Is it the final evolution of human kind?? Now, Crossed50_Tortureafter more than five years of horror, Ennis reveals his ?Patient Zero? in this seven part epic drawn by CHRISTIAN ZANIER.? Join the master of modern horror and all of the Crossed Nation faithful as they get a front row seat for the biggest issue of Crossed since it debuted!?? Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Torture covers by Zanier, Fatal Fantasy and Mission Failure covers by Matt Martin, True Romance and Amazons cover by original series artist Jacen Burrows, and special Red Crossed and Pure Art Incentive covers.

Uber Special #1

UberSpecial1_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? KIERON GILLEN digs deep into the origins of Uber with this all-new super-size Special!? For the first time ever, he is unveiling the origin and first missions of Sieglinde and the German Battleships illustrated by GABRIEL ANDRADE!? The German war machine has been developing the most powerful weapons ever UberSpecial1_Propagandafashioned.? Their Battleship class Ubers are like living atom bombs annihilating every obstacle in their paths.? But they were once humans, and it takes more than power to make a monster, so what could have forged such cold, murderous beasts?? ?Available with Regular or Wraparound cover by Caanan White, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael Dipascale, a Blitzkrieg Incentive cover by Caanan White, and a special commemorative Three Objectives set of three books that is limited to just 500 sets!


Uber Vol 1 TPB

UberV1TPBPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The first collection of KIERON GILLEN?s breakout hit reinvention of the alternative history genre is finally here!? April 24, 1945, the world holds its breath as the war is only days away from ending.? Russian troops move through Germany to the final objective? Hitler himself.? As those around the mad dictator crumble, the much ridiculed threats of the ?Wunderwafen? finally materialize.? A new weapon is delivered, one with unstoppable power ? a weapon like no other and with a madman pulling the trigger.? The Ubers change the direction of World War II providing a dark and uncompromising alternative history in a way that you?ve never seen.? Kieron Gillen and Caanan White deliver one of the best new series of 2013 collected in a 176 page trade paperback.? Uber Vol 1 collects issues #0 ? 5 the startling first chapter of this new horror series that reimagines the super soldier in a stark new bloody vision.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a local comic book store near you – http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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C-Day Kicks Off with ComiXology Sale!

crossed-quarter-page-mar-2014-4 (2)C-Day March 26th is only a handful of days away and the folks at ComiXology are hosting a huge Crossed sale on digital comics to get fans ready for the event. ?Beginning today for a limited time, single issues of Crossed are $.99 and you can buy a mega-bundle of 75 comics leading right up to the release of Crossed: Badlands #50 for $74.99.


Enjoy the digital horror and be sure to stop in your local comic shop on Wednesday 3/26 for cosplay, parties, and the first issue of Garth Ennis’ return to Crossed Badlands and his patient zero story “The Thin Red Line.” ?The Comic Shop Locator Service can help you find a local comics retailer in your area: ?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575



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Uber Vol 1 TPB Arrives 3/26

UberV1TPBKieron Gillen and Caanan White surprised the comic book reading community last year with a new series that removed the fantasy and shiny exterior of stories told in the altered history and super soldier genres. ?What they created is an apocalyptic vision of a miserable world conflict that became horror on a global scale.

Now…one year later, the first chapter of this revolutionary series is collected in Trade Paperback format for all to read. ?Uber Volume 1 TPB introduces us to the waning hours of World War II when the delivery of Nazi super weapons changes the course of the world forever. ?With the arrival of the Ubers, what should have mercifully come to a close begins anew and the violence grows to epic proportions. ?Uber is a nightmare world that shows us just how far a madman can go when his insanity is fueled by unstoppable monsters.

Gillen fans have waited patiently for this tome to be released. ?On Wednesday March 26th their patience will be rewarded as local comic shops introduce the first chapter in a horrifying new history of world war. ?The Ubers are here.

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Crossed “C-Day” is Coming

crossed-quarter-page-mar-2014-4 (2)It is one week until the annual event where the ravenous fans of Garth Ennis’ extreme horror series, Crossed, don their best costumes and storm local comic shops. ?C-Day is in its third year and has grown into an opportunity for fans to introduce new readers to the most horrifying stories being told in the medium.

crossed-quarter-page-mar-2014-1 (2)


Garth Ennis created Crossed six years ago as a new world that took the tropes of survival horror to a violent extreme. ?Populated by “infected” that become uninhibited homicidal maniacs, Crossed tells the often disturbing story of people trying to survive in a world gone mad. ?Be warned – this series is not for the squeamish and takes the idea of grueling horror to a new level.

crossed-quarter-page-mar-2014-3 (2)The ongoing bi-weekly series, Crossed: Badlands is an anthology that tells stories in the same universe from different creators. ?In addition to Ennis we’ve seen stories by creators like David Lapham, David Hine, Simon Spurrier, Christos Gage, Daniel Way, and many others. ?And on Wednesday 3/26 amid the celebrations at comic shops the first installment of Garth Ennis’ long awaited “patient zero” arc begins with Crossed: Badlands #50.

crossed-quarter-page-mar-2014-2 (2)Be sure to check with your local comic shop to see what they are doing for the event and to find out what everyone has been waiting six years to know…how it all began!



Click here to find a comic shop in your area: http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575



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