Avatar Press New to ComiXolgy 3/19/14

New Avatar Press comics on ComiXology Wednesday 3/19/14:

Same Day as Print:

Crossed: Badlands #49

Crossed49regPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: DANIEL WAY?s horrific Crossed story concludes with the full misery of the worst of humanity unleashed. Dreaming of a way out of the world?s horrors usually only leads to a violent and devastating death at the hands of the infected. After years of careful observation and planning, that message falls upon deaf ears until the bitter end. Now the captain faces the rotten fruits of his labors and the gleeful hate in every Crossed monster.



Gravel: Combat Magician #2

Gravel02_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The new adventures of William Gravel continue! Pressed into military service after his release from prison, Gravel finds that much has changed since his incarceration. Not only has the Combat Magician program for which he once instructed been practically abandoned by the British S.A.S., but the recruits who graduated the program have been less than stellar applicants, and none of them properly trained. Meanwhile, one man has turned the Tokyo subway system into his own personal abattoir, and it appears to be done using combat magic!


God is Dead #9

GodisDead09_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Man?s hubris truly does know no bounds. Albert has negotiated a coalition of gods to turn their wrath upon Gaia in an attempt at breaking her hold on the world. But can his sight be truly that finite to not recognize the tsunami of misery his actions may bring down upon the world? And as the titans prepare to battle for dominance, Ivy finds the shocking secret that turned a group of scientists into the gods that would inherit the earth. MIKE COSTA turns the intensity and darkness up a notch with his dramatic new stories about humanity at the brink.


New to ComiXology:

Aetheric Mechanics GN

200px-Aetheric_MechanicsPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Warren Ellis turns his spark of mad genius to bring us a fantastical tale in this all new original graphic novel illustrated in detailed perfection by Gianluca Pagliarani. The year is 1907, and Britain has entered into a terrifying war with Ruritania, whose strange metal planes darken the skies, and whose monstrous war engines cast looming shadows from across the channel. Doctor Robert Watcham, lately returned to London from the front, makes his homecoming to Dilke Street. There lives his old friend, and England’s greatest amateur detective, Sax Raker. Even as his beloved city prepares for war, Raker is himself about to embark on the strangest (and, perhaps, the most important) investigation of his career: The case of the man who wasn’t there. This is no simple matter of murder — Sax Raker faces haunting questions to which there are no cut and dried answers. Is the mysterious killer, at last, evidence for Raker’s long-held belief in a secret criminal mastermind? Is it some apparition uniquely belonging to this singular city, a place that seems to have lost all semblance of sense two years ago? Or do all the signs point to something much, much worse? This may very well be the last case for our Raker: a spinning tale of mystery, a tangled story of science, a twisting account of thwarted love, a fleeting glimpse into the aetheric mechanics of the world itself… and, of course, death.

Atmospherics GN

AtmosphericsSCPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Warren Ellis and painter Ken Meyer unleash a totally re-mastered and fully-painted color version of this terrifying alien tale! She’s in a hospital. Except it may be a police station. She’s been traumatized. Or she’s been arrested. She’s the only living witness of a cattle-mutilation style attack on humans. Or she’s a multiple killer who has a psychotic reaction to heroin use who may not survive discovering who she really is. This graphic novel also features an introduction by Warren Ellis!

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 3/19/14

New Avatar Press comics in stores Wednesday 3/19/14:

Crossed: Badlands #49

Crossed49regPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?DANIEL WAY?s horrific Crossed story concludes with the full misery of the worst of humanity unleashed. ?Dreaming of a way out of the world?s horrors usually only leads to a violent and devastating death at the hands of the infected. ?After years of careful Crossed49Tortureobservation and planning, that message falls upon deaf ears until the bitter end. ?Now the captain faces the rotten fruits of his labors and the gleeful hate in every Crossed monster. ?Available with ?Regular and Torture covers by Rafa Ortiz, ?Wraparound by German Erramouspe, and special Red Crossed Incentive cover.


Gravel: Combat Magician #2

Gravel02_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The new adventures of William Gravel continue! ?Pressed into military service after his release from prison, ?Gravel finds that much has changed since his incarceration. Not only has the Combat Gravel02_HorrorMagician program for which he once instructed been practically abandoned by the British S.A.S., but the recruits who graduated the program have been less than stellar applicants, and none of them properly trained. Meanwhile, one man has turned the Tokyo subway system into his own personal abattoir, and it appears to be done using combat magic! Available with a Regular cover by artist Gabriel Rearte, Wraparound, Horror and a Black Magic Order Incentive cover by Mike Wolfer.


God is Dead #9

GodisDead09_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Man?s hubris truly does know no bounds. ?Albert has negotiated a coalition of gods to turn their wrath upon Gaia in an attempt at breaking her hold on the world. ?But can his sight be truly that finite to not recognize the tsunami of misery his actions may bring down GodisDead09_EndofDaysupon the world? ?And as the titans prepare to battle for dominance, Ivy finds the shocking secret that turned a group of scientists into the gods that would inherit the earth. ? ?MIKE COSTA turns the intensity and darkness up a notch with his dramatic new stories about humanity at the brink. ?Available with not only a Regular cover but also anEnd of Days cover, Iconic, and Gilded Order Incentive copies by Jacen Burrows and a special Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a local comic book store near you – http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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London Super Con Has the Loot

If you are lucky enough to be attending London SuperCon this weekend, you have a chance to meet up with some incredible Avatar creators and to get first dibs on some fantastic new show exclusive items! ?Stop by the Avatar booth to meet Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, Simon Spurrier, and Jacen Burrows! ?They will have these cool LSCC collectibles for sale and be happy to fill you in on the latest happenings with their new comics:

Extinction Parade: Stages of Death Prints – Limited to 500 each

extinction-parade-5 extinction-parade-4


























God is Dead Prints – Limited to 500 each









Uber Prints – Limited to 500 each

uber-2 uber-1








Crossed Wish You Were Here Print – Limited to 500









God is Dead #7 Morrigan – Exclusive to London! Limited to 750 copies. ?4









Uber #10 Britain’s Finest – Exclusive to London! Limited to 850 copies. ?4









Uber #10 London VIP – Limited to a scarce 250 copies ?20









Extinction Parade #5 London – Exclusive to London! Super limited to 500 copies! ?4




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Avatar Creators at London SuperCon

This weekend March 15 & 16th Avatar Press will have a full slate of creators on hand for the London SuperCon. ?Set up at booth B-14, Avatar will have these great talents on hand to meet, greet, and sign autographs:

MaxBrooks1extinction-parade-1Max Brooks:? New York Times bestselling author of World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, and Extinction Parade. ?Avatar has a full range of exclusive comics and prints from Max’s projects that are perfect for autographing.



Crossed: Wish You Were Here Webcomic Writer Si Spurrier, Jacen Burrows

Crossed: Wish You Were Here Webcomic Writer Si Spurrier, Jacen Burrows

Simon Spurrier: ?Rising star and writer of Crossed: Wish You Were Here and the new webcomic Disenchanted.

Jacen Burrows: ?Horror artist supreme, illustrator of Crossed, Neonomicon, and other nightmares. ?Special prints and products exclusive to the show are available for autographs


Kieron Gillenuber-2Kieron Gillen: ?Well known for his groundbreaking run on Marvel’s Journey into Mystery and the new brutal war epic, Uber – Gillen is a true fan favorite. ?Exclusive prints and comics are available for autographing.


Stop by the comic con this weekend and enjoy talking with your favorite Avatar creators!

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Uber #10 Horrors Revealed

Uber10WrapUber has redefined the altered history and super soldier genres completely with an unyielding vision of enhanced human warfare. ?Kieron Gillen fans have hailed this story from the master author as a violent and original comic book. ?The introduction of the Ubers into the final days of World War II Uber10reghas opened a new chapter detailing the horrors of war.

Uber #10 has many revelations to the overall arc…the Allies uncover a new strain of possibilities for their enhanced soldiers. ?But is creating an even bigger monster the solution to Uber warfare? ?And as the Nazi Battleships realize that something Uber10Propagandais brewing with the Furher. ?As Hitler’s madness continues to grow, his vision for opera creates a new horror for the world. ?With the help of his Nazi scientists, a terror campaign is launched into the heart of London.

The second Uber arc is coming to a close. ?Jump in now to see the new face of world war.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/12/14

New Avatar Press comics on ComiXology Wednesday 3/12/14:

Same Day as Print:

Uber #10

Uber10regPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? The Americans have their Battleship Enhanced Human as Razor becomes something more than he ever imagined.? But this scarred young man isn?t even old enough to drink, much less face the horrors of Hitler?s heavy hitters.? Meanwhile, the Pacific Theatre is?irrevocably altered as the Japanese Ubers stretch their destructive capabilities outward upon a naval opponent that is unable to counter them.? Worse yet,? no one expects Hitler’s master stroke that is about the be unveiled….? See the new face of World War II in this smash hit series.



Backlist Spotlight:

Uber #0 – 9

Uber0RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?Kieron Gillen unveils his epic new monthly series, launching with a special double-sized issue! 1945. Germany is in ruins. The war in the west can only be days away from ending. Threats of “wunderwaffen” to be unleashed by the dying Reich have become laughable. There are no miracle weapons here. It’s over. It has to be over. It’s not. There’s been stories which have mixed enhanced humans and World War 2 before. There’s never been one like this. See super beings in a whole new light as Gillen presents an epic new series that not only rewrites history, it redefines the genre. Superstar writer KIERON GILLEN (Invincible Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men) delivers a brutal alternate timeline tale of super humans first appearing during WW2. The Nazis have the Ubers. The Allies don’t.

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 3/12/14

New Avatar Press comics in stores Wednesday 3/12/14:

Crossed Vol 8 TP

CrossedVol8TPBPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Two of the hottest names in horror deliver three tales of terror in this volume of vile repulsions!? SIMON SPURRIER spins the mad tale of the insane survivalist from Crossed: Wish You Were Here ? Jackson!? And from the Badlands vault comes Spurrier’s Crossed tale of hippies meet grindhouse terror like you?ve never experienced in ?American Quitters.?? Finally, an epic CrossedVol8HCfrom the first hours of the Crossed outbreak in Japan as DAVID HINE releases the ?Gore Angels.?? What happens when an abused manga artist in a traditional Japanese home must not only face grinning Crossed devils but also the men that sexually attacked her?? The result is a tale of misery and vengeance made reality!? Crossed Vol 8 TP collects issues #37 ? 43 of the Crossed: Badlands series and the Crossed 2013 Annual. Also available in Hardcover.

Uber #10

Uber10regPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? The Americans have their Battleship Enhanced Human as Razor becomes something more than he ever imagined.? But this scarred young man isn?t even old enough to drink, much less face the horrors of Hitler?s heavy hitters.? Meanwhile, the Pacific Theatre is Uber10Propagandairrevocably altered as the Japanese Ubers stretch their destructive capabilities outward upon a naval opponent that is unable to counter them.? Worse yet,? no one expects Hitler’s master stroke that is about the be unveiled….? See the new face of World War II in this smash hit series. Available with Regular or Wraparound cover by Caanan White, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael Dipascale, and a special Blitzkrieg Incentive cover by Caanan White.








Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a local comic book store near you – http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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Avatar Press New in Previews

god-is-dead-vol-1The March Previews is in comic shops everywhere and Avatar Press has two huge trade paperback collections listed for shipping in May! ?First is the collection you have been waiting for, Jonathan Hickman’s God is Dead Vol 1 TP. ?This 160 page volume collects the entire first story arc from issues #1-6 of the series in a single bookshelf worthy edition. ?Collected herein is the return of the ancient pantheons and the war that takes mankind from the modern era and throws them back to the dark ages. ?What happens when the divine not only walk the earth, but battle each other for dominion? ?Find out in the pages of 2013’s breakout hit series, God is Dead!


DisenchantedVol 1_TPBAlso collected for the first time is the initial chapter of Simon Spurrier’s hit new webcomic, Disenchanted! ?In this introductory offering we meet the modern fairy folk. ?They aren’t sparkly little pixies, but knife wielding, drug dealing, and crime committing citizens of Vermintown. ?Where does magic go to die? ?Look no further than the crime riddled streets of Vermintown where goblins, leprechauns, and fey folk take their miserable lives to live in a world of gangland violence and interracial hatred. ?Disenchanted answers all your wondering about what happened to the critters of legend…and that answer isn’t very pretty.

Ask your local comic book retailer to reserve these editions for you and spend this spring with Avatar Press! ?Trades are also available on Amazon.com and BN.com.

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Mike Costa Drives War of the Divine in God is Dead

GodisDead08_RegJonathan Hickman’s vision for the war of the divine lives on through Mike Costa’s unique storytelling of a world-post god war. ?And though peace has fallen over the planet under the rule of the last remaining deity, Gaia, all is not well. ?Mankind has once again risen up and reached out to the divine in an attempt to set the world right again. ?But can there be any peace when the cure is worse than the disease? ?And what happens if your worst fears are realized…what if God really is dead?

GodisDead08_EndofDaysAs more gods appear from the other worlds, the future for human and divine alike begins to look like Ragnarok will come to pass. ?Mike Costa ups the intensity and the horror in the ongoing adventures of the world at the brink of destruction. ? And each issue includes an original backup story by Costa that expands the universe and introduces new powers to the overall epic. ?What happens when the GodisDead08_IconicGrim Reaper walks the earth…probably not what you expected… ?Find out as Thanatos discovers that the seeds he planted must be GodisDead08_CarnageWrapeventually reaped.

God is Dead #8 is available today at your local comic shop or digitally from ComiXology.


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Avatar Press New To ComiXology 3/5/14

New Avatar Press comics on ComiXology Wednesday 3/5/14:

Same Day as Print:

God is Dead #8

GodisDead08_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Armageddon is upon us as MIKE COSTA continues the war of the divine with all new bi-weekly issues of God is Dead!? ?The World is at peace with Mother Earth Gaia the sole survivor of the epic war.? But a new resistance sets their sites on gods from the hidden pantheons to form a coalition to attack Gaia. But with more gods returning can this be trading one master for many?? JONATHAN HICKMAN?s unique vision of a world literally facing divine destruction roars on with new ravages from the gods of old.



Rover Red Charlie #4

RRC4_RegPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:? Is there nowhere a group of canine best friends can call home in the new world order?? Even outside the confides of the chaotic and bloody cities, Charlie and his pals Rover and Red face terrors that no dog should have to.? Three likeable companions attempt to find their way in a world that has literally gone to the dogs.??GARTH ENNIS, the master of original horror, has crafted a story that eloquently reveals the best and worst in human nature through the actions of man?s best friend.



Backlist Spotlight:

Black Summer #0 – 7

Black SummerPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ?The world goes black as Warren Ellis unveils his all-new super-powered heroes and villains epic! With art by the genius Juan Jose Ryp, no fan of The Authority or Wanted will want to miss this bleeding-edge eight issue masterpiece. This #0 features an original story that leads directly into the full-size series. When the political situation in the USA becomes more than Horus can stand, he moves to take matters into his own hands. But since not all his other team-mates aren’t so eager to throw the world into chaos, an epic conflict starts to form. And no one will be safe as the bodies start to fall.

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