Release Info
Titles Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands Alan Moore's Hypothetical Lizard Steven Grant's My Flesh is Cool Joe R. Lansdale's The Drive-In Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Strong Medicine Alan Moore's Writing for Comics Alan Moore's Another Suburban Romance Joe R. Lansdale and Tim Truman's Dead Folks Warren Ellis' Strange Killings Garth Ennis and John McCrea's Dicks Fantastic Visions: The Art of Matt Busch
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Rich JohnstonRich Johnston writes the industry's leading gossip column, Lying In The Gutters. Debased and debauched, it cleans the cat litter of comics, while having a good sniff at the same time. Living in London, working for an advertising agency, he also writes comedy for TV, radio and the stage. Mark Millar says he's essential to comics. Mark Waid says he's everything that's wrong with comics. Maybe they're both right? He unsuccessfully pitched to write Marville. "Whether you love him or hate him (or both) you know that Rich is a refreshingly honest writer with a great sense of humor. I'm looking forward to reading his new book." --Bill Jemas, Marvel Comics Chief Marketing Officer "Thankfully Rich hasn't asked that I read this book before giving him a quote. This may well be one of the best written debuts comics has ever seen, why it's right up there with... um, and as good as... as.. well, other stuff. hey, what's this thing called anyway?" --Bryan Hitch, artist of Marvel's The Ultimates "Rich Johnston, as a journalist, is smart and unafraid. If he's writing comics now, then everyone needs to grab a copy and dive for cover." --Warren Ellis, creator of Scars, Strange Killings, The Authority, and numerous others Check out artwork and info on Rich's new comic from Avatar, Rich Johnston's Holed Up, at
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