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Warren Ellis'
Story: Warren Ellis
Artwork and Script Assist: Mike Wolfer
Cover Color: Nimbus Studios
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 32 pages, series of mini-series & trade paperbacks
"Never a dull day, being a magician."
Sergeant Major William Gravel of Britain's SAS is a brilliant soldier.
He's also a chronic moonlighter, taking on unofficial cash-in-hand jobs
from unsavoury underground characters in order to pay off his constant,
secret and quite hefty personal expenses. This has led to him being
permanently placed on "K" duty -- deniable operations. If he's caught
pulling the dirty secret black-ops stunts that define "K" duty, then
nobody knows him and he has no escape. Which leads to him taking more
black-market jobs in order to make money and purchase favours against
the day he's finally caught. Which is plainly something of a vicious
He's also a magician of some twenty years' standing.
He is, in fact, the only known combat magician in the occult sphere.
If he was capable of actually getting his life together, he could probably
change the world. Instead, he's constantly involved in other peoples'
lives and other people's dirty secret, running headlong towards the
day when he hits something he can't escape from, shoot, or wish away.
But he's going to enjoy the race.
STRANGE KILLINGS are the stories of William Gravel previous to STRANGER
KISSES. A series of self-contained story arcs "plotmasters" by creator
Warren Ellis and completed by STRANGE KISS/STRANGER KISSES artist (and
writer in his own right) Mike Wolfer.
trade paperback cover
Cover: Mike Wolfer
Story: Warren Ellis
Script Assist & Art: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 144 pages, square bound
ISBN: 1592910335
Diamond: JUN062917
in the store
Finally, all six issues of the zombie epic Necromancer collected into one volume! Warren Ellis' cult hit STRANGE KILLINGS is back with "combat magician" William Gravel's most gut-wrenching mission yet! Deployed to a steaming Philippine island, Gravel's assignment is to assassinate an investigative reporter about to expose a chemical weapon lab sanctioned by the British government. But double-crosses and political intrigue have marked Gravel for murder by his S.A.S. comrades as he realizes that he has been led into a trap by a vengeance-seeking superior. And it only gets worse. There're zombies: Scores of flesh-ripping, reanimated corpses seeking to shred and devour everyone and everything in their path. If Gravel is able to uncover the shocking truth hidden within the jungle on this island of the dead, can even his otherworldly powers help him escape from a madman, and army of the undead and four squads of heavily armed S.A.S soldiers out for his blood?
trade paperback cover
Retail Price: $9.99 US
Cover: Mike Wolfer
Story: Warren Ellis
Script Assist & Art: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 72 pages
Diamond: MAY042360
in the store
Ellis and Wolfer return for this fifth volume of the adventures of Combat Magician William Gravel and unleash a new series full of bad juju. Gravel finally escapes his deniable ops in the USA and is able to return to his home in London. But before he can even settle in, he gets sucked into a horrific child mutilation investigation. Because this child was killed in a very specific way, it was a muti killing designed to bring powerful magic to someone. And if Gravel can't stop him, many more children will die to create a black magician with very strong medicine. |
Warren Ellis Strange Killings: The Body Orchard
trade paperback cover
Story: Warren Ellis
Script Assist & Art: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 144 pages, square bound
ISBN: 1592910130
Diamond: SEP032087
in the store
Warren Ellis and Mike Wolfer return for more
Strange Killings! Before his disgrace and removal to solo deniable
duties, Sergeant Major William Gravel was part of SAS team Alpha
One Four. He hasn't seen his teammates since his fall. He knows
only that they're still in the job, doing the things he used to
do. Which doesn't remotely explain why, while he's moonlighting
in New York, the Alpha One Four team should be seen blowing away
a newly-elected mayor -- a military man himself ? and then vanishing
into thin air... This series digs deep into William Gravel's magic
past and begs an answer to one of the greatest combat magician
secrets, what is the Body Orchard?
Warren Ellis' STRANGE KILLINGS Vol 1
trade paperback cover
Retail Price: $9.95 US
Cover: Mike Wolfer
Story: Warren Ellis
Art & Script Assist: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 72 pages square bound
ISBN: 1592910009
Diamond: STAR17794
in the store
Warren Ellis' and Mike Wolfer's three issue
action-packed Strange Killings series is now collected in this
one volume! This TPB is the third installment, after Strange Kiss
and Stranger Kisses, of the on-going adventures of William Gravel,
Combat Magician. For the second time in history, the British Government
sends in its crack troops, the Special Air Service, to quell a
major prison riot. But not even these, the most accomplished and
frightening soldiers on Earth, are equipped to face what lies
at the center of the prison, the heart of the riot. In fact the
only man in the SAS qualified to deal with the horror within is
the recently disgraced Sergeant Major William Gravel: combat magician.
But inside the prison lies a man waiting to fight with more than
mortal weapons. The will be at least one more strange killing
this evening.
Warren Ellis' Stranger Kisses
trade paperback cover
Retail Price: $9.95 US
Cover: Mike Wolfer
Story: Warren Ellis
Artist: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 72 pages, square bound
ISBN: 0970678444
Diamond: STAR14717
in the store
Warren Ellis brings his mad visions to life with
the same team who brought you Strange Kiss, with Mike Wolfer on
art and Dan Parsons on painted grey tones. Stranger Kisses is
about people for whom two genders are not enough, no matter how
you play mix-and-match with sexuality. It's also about videotape,
bad secrets, and what it's like to have an entire city wanting
to kill you. The videotape is of seriously physically modified
whores. Possibly altered at the genetic level. Because those extra
orifices look grown. And those weird protuberances don't look
artificial.... A very 21st Century comic, mad and modern and speedy
and full of nasty ideas. Most sequels end up as pale imitations
of the first. Stranger Kisses makes its ancestor look like a runt.
It's Big Comics, Pop Comics. hard fast explosive storytelling,
mad science and weird sex. What the hell more do you want? The
year 2000. In LA, the future of rich man's whoring and trophy
women is being designed. Two sexes are not enough. People like
their kisses stranger than that.
trade paperback cover
Retail Price: $8.95 US
Cover: Mike Wolfer
Story: Warren Ellis
Artwork: Mike Wolfer
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 72 pages
ISBN: 0970678401
Diamond: STAR12541
in the store
Finally, the entire Strange Kiss series is back
in print and collected in one volume! Featuring an all-new introduction
by Warren Ellis and new pinup art by Mike Wolfer. Strange Kiss
is best described by Ellis himself, "A horrific murder-suicide
in the middle of a busy city street at midday; an old man rotting
and bloating in a hospital bed, something sick gestating inside
him; in a darkened place close by, people screaming, impregnated,
doomed. Something beautiful and awful is trying to reproduce,
and its strange kiss is only to be feared..."
Read more about
Warren Ellis Masterminds Series of Continuing Mini Series at Avatar
with Strange Killings
The creator of Transmet and The Authority will add another major project
to his endeavors with Strange Killings, a continuing series of mini
series by Warren Ellis and Mike Wolfer. Planned to progress as an ongoing
saga of successive, self-contained mini series of several issues each,
the project will launch in January from Avatar Press.
"I think William Gravel stands with Transmet's Spider Jerusalem as
being among the best of Warren's characters," says Avatar Press editor
in chief William Christensen, speaking of the hard-boiled combat magician
readers first saw in Strange Kiss. "But Gravel's world is distinct among
Warren's many diverse and exceptional creations. And it's a place that
makes Sin City look like Disney World sometimes, so to launch this project
Ellis has turned in an amazing tale that I think may be one of his best
yet. His treatment for Mike was perfect, giving Mike some room to do
his fantastic work on the action scenes yet also providing the tight
layout and dialogue for all the character development scenes. After
doing so many books together, I think these two have started sharing
some brain waves and the final pages are fantastic. Really, the best
of all worlds."
"Avatar and Mike Wolfer wanted to do more William Gravel stories,"
Ellis explains. "The dodgy bastard seems to get a grip on people like
that. I, on the other hand, wanted to see Mike working his own inimitable
storytelling. So here's what we're doing. It's like the "Plotmaster"
gig I did for Marvel a couple of years ago. I'm writing detailed treatments
for new William Gravel stories, which Mike will break down and adapt.
My words, his storytelling. Mike tells stories in a tense, staccato
way, which gives these new William Gravel pieces a real freshness. It's
a good reason to do these."
"Plus, I like seeing mutant vaginas embedded in tongues and old men
giving birth to lizards through their anus," adds Ellis. "You really
can't get enough of that sort of thing. It's important."
"The vision of Strange Killings is Warren's," notes series artist and
collaborator Mike Wolfer. "He will lay various scenarios before us and
challenge us to believe that what we know of our world is the whole
truth. We will see, hear and feel things that are beyond depravity,
all the while knowing that these atrocities could be happening while
we are asleep in our beds... And that they could quite possibly be happening
in the house next door. The visualization of Strange Killings will be
my own. I am taking Warren's ideas and breathing dark, two-dimensional
life into them. It is a joy that is tempered with unease, as I sometimes
can't believe that I'm actually going to draw some of the vile and controversial
scenes with which Warren has chosen to entertain us."
Strange Killings is the story of Sergeant Major William Gravel, a brilliant
soldier of Britain's SAS. He's also the only known combat magician in
the occult sphere. Placed on "K" duty - deniable operations - when he's
found to be taking unofficial black market jobs for money due to mysterious
personal reasons, Gravel is plunged into the dirty life of a secret
black-ops world. Still, with his power Gravel could probably change
the world if he was capable of actually getting his life together. Instead,
he's constantly involved in other people's lives and dirty secrets,
running headlong towards the day when he hits something he can't escape
from, shoot, or wish away.