Tag Archives: alan moore
New This Week: Alan Moore?s FASHION BEAST #3
Fashion Beast #3 arrives in shops today, bringing Alan Moore?s unearthed masterpiece into the limelight after nearly thirty years! Battered and bruised, Doll discovers that to defy Celestine is to look death in the eyes.? The world is on the … Continue reading
Posted in In Stores Now
Tagged alan moore, antony johnston, avatar press, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, malcolm mclaren
New This Week: Fashion Beast #2
Are you reading Fashion Beast? The reviews are coming in, and Fashion Beast #1 is wowing fans and critics alike. 4 out of 5 stars Comic Book Resources “…an inventive, tightly-written and enjoyable comic.” “…there’s a lot that can be … Continue reading
Posted in In Stores Now
Tagged alan moore, antony johnston, avatar press, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, malcolm mclaren
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New Issue Preview: Fashion Beast #2
Are you reading Alan Moore‘s Fashion Beast? Reviews for the first issue have been outstanding – more on that on Wednesday. In the meantime, here is a preview of Fashion Beast #2, due out this Wednesday:
Posted in Previews
Tagged alan moore, antony johnston, avatar press, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, malcolm mclaren
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December Covers Sneak Peek
There are no new Avatar titles shipping this week, so we thought we would share with you an advance look of some of the titles we have shipping in December! Look for full solicit information available here soon. CALIGULA: HEART … Continue reading
Posted in Release Info
Tagged aftermath, alan moore, badlands, caligula, crossed, david fine, david lapham, fashion beast, ferals, george romero, heart of rome, night of the living dead
Previews Featured Item of the Month: Bleeding Cool Magazine #1
Avatar Press proudly announces the upcoming debut of Bleeding Cool Magazine?s first full-length issue, hitting store shelves worldwide in October. A Diamond Featured Item solicited in the August Previews catalog, Bleeding Cool promises to bring back in-depth, printed comics reporting … Continue reading
Posted in General News
Tagged alan moore, avatar press, Bleeding Cool, bleeding cool magazine, BleedingCool, neonomicon, Rich Johnston, watchmen
Fashion Beast Preview, Plus Alan Moore Speaks!
We’re happy to share these thoughts from Alan Moore on the new Fashion Beast series, launching in September: Since Malcolm McLaren first suggested that I write a screenplay based on his notion of marrying the strange and isolated life of … Continue reading
Posted in General News, Previews
Tagged alan moore, antony johnston, avatar press, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, malcolm mclaren
One Last Time: Don’t Forget Alan Moore’s FASHION BEAST!
No one redefined the comic book landscape quite like Alan Moore in the 1980s, and the year 1985 was one of the most creative of his career.? He’d taken Saga of the Swamp Thing to new levels of horror and … Continue reading
Posted in General News
Tagged alan moore, anna mercury, antony johnston, daredevil, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, hellblazer, john constantine, malcolm mclaren, saga of the swamp thing, sex pistols, superman, swamp thing, v for vendetta, wasteland, watchmen, whatever happened to the man of tomorrow
Long-Lost Alan Moore Masterwork FASHION BEAST Launches in September
Avatar Press proudly announces the upcoming September 2012 launch of Fashion Beast, an unearthed collaboration between legendary graphic novelist Alan Moore and punk rock pioneer Malcolm McLaren. Originally written as a screenplay, the ten-issue maxi-series is adapted to comics by … Continue reading
Posted in General News
Tagged alan moore, anna mercury, antony johnston, courtyard, Facundo Percio, fashion beast, malcolm mclaren, neonomicon
Ghastly Award 2011 Nominees Include CROSSED 3D, Jacen Burrows
This just in! The judges of the Ghastly Awards, which honor excellence in horror comics, have announced the 2011 nominees as chosen by writers, artists, and other creators in the comic book industry. This year’s nominations include the terrifying CROSSED … Continue reading
Posted in General News
Tagged alan moore, archaia, badlands, black fire, burrows, crossed, crossed 3d, crossed badlands, dan the unharmable, david lapham, deadworld, dear creature, decapitated dan, ferals, flesh and blood, gabriel andrade, gabriel rodriguez, garrie gastonny, Garth Ennis, ghastly awards, ghastly graham ingles, Gianluca Pagliarani, graham ingles, green wake, hundredth dream, idw, idw publishing, Ignition City, image, jacen burrows, lapham, last siesta, locke and key, lonnie nadler, mike howlet, Mike Wolfer, monsterverse, mykal banta, neil vokes, neonomicon, pagliarani, rafael ortiz, riley rossmo, steve banes, tor, vault, Warren Ellis, wolfskin, wolfskin hundredth dream, zombie, zombies
Lovecraft Is Screaming
Alan Moore, Jacen Burrows. The first 3 panels of Neonomicon #4. In stores soon.