Warren Ellis' Scars TPB cover by Burrows
Jacen Burrows provides us with our first update to the Warren Ellis' Scars section since that series concluded several months ago with this new cover for the Scars trade paperback. Find out why this series has been one of the most talked about indy comics of the past year with this February '04 release.
Warren Ellis' SCARS TPB Retail Price: $17.99 US Cover: Jacen Burrows Story: Warren Ellis Art: Jacen Burrows Readership: Mature Readers Format: B&W, 160 pages, square bound ISBN: 1592910181
Collected now for the first time, Warren Ellis' brilliant six issue crime opus, Scars, with the stunning art of Jacen Burrows, is available in this deluxe trade paperback. John Cain has been working Homicide long enough to get hard to pretty much anything; even wrenching personal loss. Today, it all gets too much. Today, he gets assigned something that finally breaks through his defenses -- a child killing that hits horribly close to home. Until now, he's been a good cop, a cop who goes by procedure because it's the best way to ensure that scum go to prison. Today, he makes the parents of the victim a chilling promise. He will find the killer using any means necessary. And the killer will not get away with it. Whatever happens. How much of a monster do you have to become to hunt monsters?
[ posted Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:20:48 PM | permanent link to this item ]