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Mark Millar's The Unfunnies

Steven Grant's My Flesh is Cool

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Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures

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Jacen Burrows

A 1996 Graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, Burrows has become known for his unique style of intricate linework which reflects a blend of American, Japanese, and European influences.

Burrows entered comics professionally as Scott Clark's background assistant on a number of Wildstorm projects, and subsequently worked on indy projects such as King Zombie for Caliber and Skid Roze for London Night Studios. Jacen has also worked in the game industry on properties such as Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons.

At Avatar Press, Burrows has provided artwork on Cimmerian (written by Tom Sniegoski), the Ravening, Quantum Mechanics, and Razor among others. His best known Avatar works have been for Warren Ellis Avatar projects Bad World, Dark Blue, and Scars, and Alan Moore's The Courtyard

Current and upcoming projects at Avatar Press from Burrows include illustrations for the second collection of Warren Ellis' Bad Signal, work in Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures, and a major series with another of the industry's top writers to be announced shortly.


Warren Ellis

Garth Ennis

Steven Grant

Alan Moore

Frank Miller

Antony Johnston

Mike Wolfer

Jacen Burrows

Joe R. Lansdale

Tim Truman

Juan Jose Ryp

Jeremy Rock

Sean Shaw

Matt Martin

Mark Millar

Brian Pulido

Rich Johnston

Dheeraj Verma


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Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands #3 cover by Burrows  

The cover for Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands issue #3 is new in the gallery today, artwork by Jacen Burrows and color by Greg Waller of Nimbus. Issue #1 of this series is in stores now.  Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands #3 is a July solicited release.
[ posted Friday, April 30, 2004 10:45:17 AM  |  permanent link to this item ]

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