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Mike Wolfer

One of the most highly-regarded creators on the indy comics horror scene, writer/artist Mike Wolfer entered the field in 1987 with his giant-monster saga Daikazu, under his own Ground Zero Comics banner.

Wolfer launched his best-known creation Widow around 1991 and the adventures of the genetically altered woman-spider have showcased his trademark character-driven blend of drama, horror, science fiction, and erotica ever since. Wolfer has also done work for Chaos!, London Night, and Dark Horse.

At Avatar Press, Wolfer has done a number of Widow mini series plus the 14-issue Widow X which collects and expands the entire pre-Avatar Widow saga. His erotic horror character Rag Doll has run in the pages of Avatar's adult anthology Raw Media, and he has also worked on indy goth-girl staple Razor at Avatar, both in collaboration with David Quinn (Faust) and in his own written and drawn serial in Avatar's Threshold anthology.

Landmark Warren Ellis creations Strange Kiss and Stranger Kisses were both drawn by Wolfer, and the pair are working together again on the Strange Killings saga.


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Razor X by Mike Wolfer  

In keeping with our recent kick of getting more info on our graphic novel line online, here's a section for Razor X, the two volume saga collected and expanded from the original Threshold serial. Razor X is written and drawn by Mike Wolfer of Warren Ellis' Strange Killings and Widow fame, and he also brings Widow, LNS character Stryke, and Avatar flagship character Pandora into this no-holds-barred free for all. Razor X was Wolfer's second take on the Razor character herself, he had previously collaborated with David Quinn (Faust, 777: The Wrath) on Razor: Till I Bleed Daylight.
[ posted Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:59:56 PM  |  permanent link to this item ]

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