Avatar Releases Week of March 19
It's new comics day once again, and it turns out this week may actually a skip week in many local areas for brand new Avatar Press releases. If you've been expecting one of your Avatar favorites to come out in your area, you may want to check in with your local store to verify -- it is not uncommon for indy releases to vary by a week or so from Diamond's official release-list date. Ask your retailer about the Avatar Press titles you're interested in, or consider heading out to see your local comics retailer anyway -- you're bound to find something that interests you. Although many retailers make the very latest brand-new releases for the week available on Wednesday in the comic book industry, some may put out restocked items, trade paperback releases, and other items at other times as well.
For example, your local comic shop should still have several recent Avatar Press releases in stock: while you're at the store this week you may want to check out releases from last week, from the week of March 5, from the week of Feb. 26, and from the week of Feb. 19, among others. Many stores may still have these and other recent Avatar Press releases available, and you may want to take the opportunity to check out our growing line of trade paperback collections and graphic novels as well.
And looking towards the future, two upcoming Avatar releases which should hit stores shortly include Lansdale and Truman's Dead Folks and Shi: Pandora's Box #1. Now's a good time to make sure your retailer will have copies of those comics available for you, if you haven't already.
[ posted Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:14:09 PM | permanent link to this item ]