Writer: Alan Moore
Artists: Bryan Talbot, Val Semieks, Oscar Zarate, Jacen Burrows, Juan
Jose Ryp, Mike Wolfer, Marat Mychaels, and others
Covers: Juan Jose Ryp
Cover Color: Nimbus Studios
Readership: Mature Readers
Format: B&W, 40 pages, monthly, 3 issue mini-series
The magical mind of Alan Moore is unleashed in this new monthly series
which weighs in at a super-sized 40 pages per issue! Yuggoth Cultures
and Other Growths features tons of Alan's classic short sequential comic
book stories that have been long out of print, stories that have never
before been seen, and special developmental sections with original script
pages and comments from Alan and the creators! This debut issue features
the amazing Nightjar, a story written 20 years ago to run in legendary
British comic anthology Warrior Magazine, but never fully drawn. With
art by Bryan Talbot, the first part of the story is finally illustrated
and sees print here along with Moore's notes on where the series was
originally going to go. As a special bonus, we include Alan's original
script. Nightjar is a true lost gem that fans have been dying to see
for two decades, polished for publication for the first time ever! Also
in this issue is the story Zaman's Hill, originally written for Moore's
aborted novel titled Yuggoth Cultures, now seen in sequential form by
master illustrator Juan Jose Ryp! Fans of Alan Moore rejoice, many prayers
are finally answered in this career-spanning series from the finest
wordsmith in the industry! More Moore surprises to be announced on this
career-spanning series.
Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures will be available in
September 2003 at your local comic shop. Please support your local stores.
If you can't find Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures locally, you may order
it from our direct sales agent here.

Yuggoth Cultures #1 Wrap Cover

Yuggoth Cultures #2 Wrap Cover

Yuggoth Cultures #2 Cover

Yuggoth Cultures NecroComicon

Yuggoth Cultures #3

Yuggoth Cultures #3 wrap
Avatar Grows Alan Moore's Yuggoth Cultures
Avatar Press has announced that it will publish a career-spanning series
of comic book horror stories from one of the medium's acknowledged masters
40 page per issue series begins in September 2003 from Avatar with stories
by Moore and artwork from a number of high-profile creators including
Bryan Talbot, Val Semieks, Oscar Zarate, Jacen Burrows (ALAN MOORE'S
The series features classic and little-known comic book stories from
throughout Moore's career, some hard-to-find tales that have appeared
only in comic books outside the U.S., and some surviving stories from
the tragically-lost Lovecraftian Moore epic Yuggoth Cultures, which
will be seen here in comic book form for the first time. The YUGGOTH
CULTURES AND OTHER GROWTHS series will include such gems as the now-completed
first part of Moore and Bryan Talbot's important lost classic NIGHTJAR,
a story started 20 years ago which was supposed to appear in UK comic
book WARRIOR, the legendary anthology where other Moore classics such
"Perhaps because it was a symptom of the strangeness of existence
or perhaps because it was an unnerving reminder of the cyclic nature
of life, but it was really bloody weird returning to and finishing a
work that I'd started and abandoned when I was a young underground comic
artist trying to break into the mainstream," says NIGHTJAR collaborator
Bryan Talbot. "It was definitely weird inking a page drawn on yellowing
watercolour board that another me had penciled over twenty years ago.
It's not that I'd forgotten drawing it: I could remember penciling those
panels, on some, even the music that was playing at the time (a pretty
common phenomena), but it did give me a peculiar frisson all of its
"I don't know how he had heard about it but William Christensen
got in touch, asking if I still had the artwork for the "lost WARRIOR
story" NIGHTJAR," Talbot continues. "WARRIOR was the
groundbreaking UK comic art periodical published by Dez Skinn (now editor/publisher
of COMICS INTERNATIONAL) where Alan Moore made his name before being
headhunted by DC Comics, bringing his unique and magisterial talent
for writing sequential art universal acclaim. Alan was already contributing
MARVELMAN (later MIRACLEMAN) and V FOR VENDETTA and he and I had talked
about collaborating on a strip for WARRIOR for a while. We decided upon
a horror piece. I started drawing from his script, fitting it in around
paying work until, to be mercifully brief, Alan and Dez fell out big
time. As a result, Alan stopped contributing to WARRIOR and NIGHTJAR,
now with no home, was shelved. NIGHTJAR would have been Alan's first
horror work. Many of the ideas he is playing with here emerge later
in SWAMP THING, his concept of an urban sorcerer eventually manifesting
itself in the form of John Constantine."
As for the Lovecraftian fragments from the series, those stories are
also emerging from a tragically-lost project of a different kind. "Yuggoth
Cultures was originally intended as a series of texts that would have
been inspired by HP Lovecraft's poem cycle FUNGI FROM YUGGOTH,"
recalls Alan Moore. "Unfortunately, when the texts were about half
completed, I left the only copy of three or four of them in a London
taxi cab. Since it was impossible to reconstruct, the work went on hold,
remaining incomplete. Originally, THE COURTYARD was part of the proposed
Yuggoth Cultures package, but there were some other interesting little
fragments left over, and I suppose that what's gathered in this series
is a collection of those and other interesting fragments. Things from
projects that were, for one reason or another, never completed, which
perhaps which hold some interest in their own right. I'm looking forward
to seeing what is done with them."
Although several of the stories in this new series were scripted by
Moore for comic books, the stories originally written for the Yuggoth
Cultures series of texts are being adapted by frequent Moore collaborator
ROMANCE) in consultation with Moore. "Once again I've risked my
health and sanity, channeling the Northampton Bard through my weak plebiscite
mind for the sake of entertainment. With each adaptation my grip on
reality grows weaker, yet my stubble grows longer; a curious paradox,
I hope you'll agree. Stop me if you've heard this one before, but working
with Alan on these stories has been an absolute pleasure. The pieces
I've handled are some of the strangest, most evocative things I've read,
forcing me to think in strange and unnatural ways to get the best results
possible. I'm really happy with it."
"The piece I am doing is particularly fascinating. It ties H.P.
himself directly into the mythos of his fictional world in a truly shocking
way," says Yuggoth artist Jacen Burrows (ALAN MOORE'S THE COURTYARD,
WARREN ELLIS' SCARS). "I was white knuckled just reading the script
and full of visual ideas. It's the kind of project that made me want
to do comics in the very beginning. This is the second Antony Johnston-adapted
Alan Moore story I have worked on and I know that Antony and I are on
the same page visually. I understand his pacing and dynamics better
now and have a good idea of just what he is expecting. The fact that
this is also a Lovecraft homage, like THE COURTYARD, makes it particularly
exciting. It's an wonderful visual world to be playing in. Once again
I find myself in one of the most enviable positions in comics, working
on an Alan Moore horror project with a publisher that doesn't pull punches
so we can portray the concept as it was meant. Don't think for a second
that I don't realize just how cool this is."
"With each successive illustrating assignment that I've been given
by Avatar Press, I'm challenged in new and exciting ways to brings another's
words to life. LITVINOFF'S BOOK is yet another example of that challenge,"
says artist Mike Wolfer (WARREN ELLIS' STRANGE KILLINGS) of his Yuggoth
collaboration. "It has been a longtime dream of mine to one day
illustrate Alan Moore's work, but equally exciting is that this story
has allowed me to move in directions that I've rarely had the opportunity
to pursue as a visual storyteller. Alan's original words and Antony
Johnston's adaptation of that work hold such a lyrical quality that
this feels akin to storyboarding a tragic, operatic short film. The
rhythm of the artwork must be synchronized with the rhythm of the written
words, but beauty aside, it still holds a gut-wrenching impact for the
"As a Moore fan from the WARRIOR days myself, I'm proud to be bringing
this career-spanning range of Moore work to a whole new audience,"
Avatar Press editor-in-chief William Christensen concludes. "There
are a number of comic book stories here that are either long out of
print or never saw print in the first place, and others that only saw
print long ago in now-obscure UK comic books. And as for the Lovecraftian
stories, we'll be taking the same care and painstaking collaboration
with Moore himself in adapting them to sequential form that made Alan
Moore's The Courtyard one of the most critically-acclaimed indy projects
of the year."
ALAN MOORE'S YUGGOTH CULTURES is a three part, 40 page per issue mini-series
beginning in September 2003 from Avatar Press. The series features stories
by Alan Moore with artwork from a number of high-profile creators including
Bryan Talbot, Val Semieks, Oscar Zarate, Jacen Burrows, Juan Jose Ryp,
and Mike Wolfer, with covers by Juan Jose Ryp. For more information,
contact Avatar Press editor-in-chief William Christensen at william@avatarpress.net
or see our website at www.avatarpress.com.
Alan Moore & Oscar Zarate's "From Hell Coda" in Yuggoth Cultures #3
from Avatar
Avatar Press has announced that ALAN MOORE'S YUGGOTH CULTURES AND OTHER
GROWTHS, the career-spanning series of out of print and hard to find
comic book horror stories from one of the medium's acknowledged masters,
will include a coda to FROM HELL by Moore and Oscar Zarate (A SMALL
KILLING). The story, entitled I Keep Coming Back, will appear in issue
#3 of Yuggoth Cultures, scheduled for release in November from Avatar
"I Keep Coming Back is almost a completely true-life story," notes
Alan Moore. "It also serves as a coda to FROM HELL, if you like. It
was originally written for an anthology of "London noir," and since
the events in it had almost just happened to me it seemed like there
was a good little London noir story right there. For people who've read
FROM HELL, it's a very interesting little sort of coda to that piece."
"This coda to the masterpiece FROM HELL is a prime example of the type
of horror material we are collecting in YUGGOTH CULTURES," notes William
Christensen. "And part of the horror is that much of this material from
one of the most important creators in comics is either long out of print
or has never seen print in the U.S. I Keep Coming Back and the rest
of Yuggoth Cultures is a key part of Moore's body of work, and I'm proud
to include this series alongside the likes of THE COURTYARD, A SMALL
KILLING, and ANOTHER SUBURBAN ROMANCE in our line of Alan Moore projects."
The YUGGOTH CULTURES AND OTHER GROWTHS series also includes such gems
as the newly-completed first part of Moore and Bryan Talbot's important
lost classic NIGHTJAR, a story started 20 years ago which was supposed
to appear in UK comic book WARRIOR, the legendary anthology where other
Moore classics such as MIRACLEMAN and V FOR VENDETTA appeared. Work
written by Moore with artwork from a number of high-profile creators
including, Hunt Emerson, Val Semieks, Jacen Burrows, Juan Jose Ryp,
Marat Mychaels, and Mike Wolfer is also included, as are a number of
Moore's Lovecraftian epics adapted by Antony Johnston (ALAN MOORE'S
THE COURTYARD) and appearing for the first time in comics.
ALAN MOORE'S YUGGOTH CULTURES is a three part, 40 page per issue mini-series
beginning in September 2003 from Avatar Press. The series features stories
by Alan Moore with artwork from a number of high-profile creators including
Bryan Talbot, Val Semieks, Oscar Zarate, Jacen Burrows, Juan Jose Ryp,
and Mike Wolfer, with covers by Juan Jose Ryp. ALAN MOORE'S YUGGOTH
CULTURES #3, which includes the FROM HELL coda, is solicited for November
2003 release. For more information, contact Avatar Press editor-in-chief
William Christensen at william@avatarpress.net or see our website at