Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Dead Rising debuts
Avatar is hitting the convention circuit hard in August, and one of those stops will include the debut of our very first Lady Death release. Avatar will preview upcoming Lady Death material in a book called Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Dead Rising which will debut at Wizardworld Chicago, August 13-15.
Avatar has two distinct Lady Death titles planned. "We will launch our new monthly Medieval Lady Death picking up after Lady Death: A Medieval Tale #12," Lady Death creator Brian Pulido says. "While we will begin with a new series, Medieval Lady Death #1, I will be careful to make this a good jumping on point for new readers. To assure this, we’ve hired Barbara Kesel as editor on the new series. Barbara was also my editor on Lady Death: a Medieval Tale. She knows the characters as well as I do and she is the secret weapon to the success of the series."
"Our second Lady Death series will be the "classic" Heaven & Hell/Bitch Goddess Lady Death," Pulido continues. "We had to bring her back because fans demanded her back. True to the Chaos! style I established, her adventures will be in a series of limited series."
Pulido and Avatar Press editor-in-chief William Christensen will be on hand at Wizardworld Chicago with copies of Lady Death: Dead Rising to talk about upcoming Lady Death plans. Lady Death: Dead Rising will also be available from your local comic shop in November, and can be ordered now from our direct sales agent.
[ posted Friday, August 06, 2004 10:54:53 PM | permanent link to this item ]